Trapped with the Pirate King: Jung Hoseok

Start from the beginning

Delgado tapped on the glass of the watchtowers (that were more like watch cubes). No one answered, as expected. Delgado whistled and led the way to the entrance. No more of those scorpion-things Jimin couldn't remember the names of showed up. If he never had to see one again, he'd be happy.

When Y/n was under attack, Jimin didn't know what overtook him. The pirates were telling him to leave her and focus on them. He couldn't. It risked his life and position in the Fleet, but he found her more important than the credits. Fear had bubbled inside him at the very thought of losing her so soon. They had just met, yet she was the kindest person he had ever known. Even over Taehyung.

"This damn keycard better work," Delgado said as he approached the front door with the rest of them. "It cost us a fortune."

"Did Nyx make it?" Jimin asked, leaning against the wall. The double doors were a cyan color with UC letters on them. Delgado swiped the keycard on the scanner. It opened.

Delgado placed the keycard back in his suit. "You know Nyx?"

"Obviously. I know every Neon thug. He's the second best hacker in Neon." Jimin paused to take off his helmet and grin. He took it off for the sole purpose of showing off his radiant smile. "I'm the first."

"Best hacker in Neon, yet you're still stupid," Hoseok said as he strolled past. He craned his head over his shoulder to glare at Jimin. "Risking your life for a woman? Good grief, you must be desperate for pussy."

Jimin grabbed Hoseok's shoulder and slammed him against the wall. "Don't talk about her like that."

"Ohhh, I see," Hoseok whispered, dragging out every letter of the word. He smirked and blew a gum bubble that popped in Jimin's face. "It's serious, huh? Well I hope you know the Fleet comes before her. The Fleet comes before anyone. Even that mother of yours-"

Jimin pressed his elbow against Hoseok's neck, choking him. "How the fuck do you know about her?!"

"Idiots," Delgado muttered, walking by and letting Jimin and Hoseok hash it out. The rest of the rooks followed Delgado inside the Lock. Jimin didn't pay them any mind.

"Estelle reported you had a tattoo that looked like Kim Taehyung's work. Asked him about you, and what do you know? He knows all about your fucked up relationship with your mom. She's a druggie, yeah? Why bother with her? Just kill her-"

Jimin released Hoseok, which caused him to lurch forward and hold his knees to stay upright. Jimin dropped his helmet and didn't bother picking it back up. His hands were shuddering with the rest of his body, but it wasn't from the cold.

"Fuck you."

With his pistol in his grasp, Jimin made his way inside. His legs felt like they would give out at any moment. His lower lip quivered, but it got worse when he saw how many stairs there were. They spiraled down and down to the point where Jimin could barely see the floor.

Hoseok pushed Jimin aside and grabbed the railing before chuckling. "See you later, slow pokes."

In a flash, Hoseok hoisted himself over the railing and jumped. Jimin didn't care enough to grab him, but he was curious enough to see the splat. He peeked over the railing only to see Hoseok had a boost pack that activated as he descended. It spat out puffs of fuel that slowed Hoseok's fall until he was practically hovering. Then, he reached the ground. No injuries.

Jimin made a mental note to get himself a boost pack.

Jimin wasted no more time and rushed to follow the others down the stairs. It took five full minutes to get to the bottom. By the time they arrived, Hoseok was whistling and holding UC security armor Jimin assumed he would sell later.

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