Chapter 2

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Hermione's POV

The four of us apparate to the front of the Ministry Hall. In front of the doors to the entrance are aurors inspecting those who wish to enter.

After clearing through the aurors patting us down, we walk through the main entrance to music blasting. I observe the room around me. The room is white with pillars and statues resembling Roman architecture.

The building consists of three levels. The first being the main dance hall with a brightly lit stage in front with hired dancers wearing minimal clothing, concealing themselves with masks.

Hundreds of people are grouped within their cliques talking, dancing, laughing, and drinking while servers walk around in white dress shirts and black pants with platters of cocktails, shots, and food.

The second and third levels, which can be seen from below by balconies, I assume consist of smaller rooms for those who wish to indulge in private matters behind closed doors.

The energy within the building does not feel like one living in a war. People are happy and indulge themselves in this purposeful distraction. I am in disbelief to understand how people can easily fall within this trap to hide the current reality of our world. It's hard to believe that tomorrow we will all be back to our normal lives planning ways to kill each other for our means of power.


Draco's POV

Blaise, Theo and I sit in a private room passing around a joint accompanied by glasses of firewhiskey. When I first entered, the party was just as I expected. Loud and obnoxious people drunkenly falling over making a fool of themselves like they never drank before. Luckily for myself I can't recognize anyone and hope that none can do the same for me. It eases the pressure of having to be on edge, thinking that someone will curse someone I care about behind their back.

We've been here for a few hours already and I am very close to making an excuse to leave.

"C'mon guys I feel like we've had enough brooding! Let's go downstairs and enjoy the music."

"Nott, I don't like dancing," I retort.

"Well, then you can flirt it up with some ladies and perhaps find someone for me to have fun with," he winks.

"I'm sure you can do that for yourself with how you're barely dressed." Blaise snickers at my comment.

"Oh my Stars, you are right, but I will be busy dancing the night away." He stands quickly from his seat, opens the door, the music bursting in, and nods out into the hall. "Let's go boys."

Blaise and I groan in annoyance and follow him down to the first level.

A new song begins to play and Theo jumps, "Let's fucking go. I'll see you in a bit, boys. Have fun without me." He sprints to the stage and begins to dance while lip syncing all the words by heart.

'No matter how hard I try. You keep pushing me aside. And I can't break through. There's no talking to you.'

Theo makes a fool of himself on stage with the other dancers joining in on his excitement smiling ear to ear.

"He sure knows how to get attention," admits Blaise leaning against a pillar. People cheer for him and begin crowding in front of the stage dancing and singing.

"Tell me again why we're friends with him?" I joke.

"Cuz we've ended up not knowing what to do without him. Bastards wiggled himself in no matter how much we initially resented him."

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