Chapter 3

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Draco's POV

The cold air hits my face flying above London and I begin to shiver. The stars are nowhere to be seen, but the lights from the windows shine up at my face. I can't believe that I'm doing this, knowing that the chances of me finding her are slim.

I fly around for what feels like hours, anxiously searching over every building.

I hover for some time searching my surroundings, when I notice dark curly hair step out onto a balcony. I slowly fly towards the building, and quietly step off onto the roof. I bend down and observe from above, wondering what thoughts go through her mind. I beg her to say something.

She sighs, "Draco."

My eyes widen and my heart races. I try not to get too excited, unsure of what she'll say so I continue to listen.

She sits and dangles her legs off the edge, hugging the railing. She is no longer wearing her costume and her face is clean of the shimmering makeup. Her natural beauty is on full display.

"I knew it was too good to be true. How could I have slipped into the arms of my enemy?" She looks up at the night sky. "The sky is black because your eyes have taken every star from it. The nights have become too lonely and cold without them shining down on me. I became entranced by their beauty because the stars called to me for their escape, but I became selfish wanting you to share your treasure with me."

Her head leans on the railing, her hair dangling off of her shoulder and I desperately want to feel them in my hands again. I continue to listen, unsure of when I should interrupt.

"How could I let myself become a fool? He is my enemy. He's responsible for so much loss, but who am I to judge when so much blood has been shed by my hands? I've always hated him, but for some reason now I can't remember why. It's infuriating! Every sign tells me that I must, but it is exhausting for me to hate."

"Then don't."

She jumps and stands up immediately from my sudden presence. "What the hell are you doing here? Spying on me?"

"I was just flying around town and noticed you alone out here." I try not to sound like a complete stalker, but even I can't believe the words coming out of my mouth. I climb down to the balcony and she crosses her arms.

She scoffs, "Like I could believe that. Looks like you couldn't get me out of your head." She smirks, challenging me.

"I could say the same for you. I swear I heard you say my name."

She rolls her eyes, "You shouldn't be here. I could report you to the Order and I'd never have to deal with you again."

I chuckle at her complete denial and step closer to her, backing her against the railing. "Then do it. Nothing is stopping you."

She tries to maintain her composure and her hardened face, but her eyes meet mine and her features soften.

"We should just forget about what happened. It can never happen again."

"And why is that?" I ask.

"We're fighting on opposite sides of this war. What we believe in are two completely different things."

I inch closer to her face, smirking, and her eyes flicker down at my lips.

"I think we both know that we are no longer fighting in the same war. We are suffering the consequences of other people's actions and all we want is some sense of control."

Her mouth opens in uncertainty and her eyes bounce back and forth between mine in confusion.

I lean into her softly pressing my lips into her own. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. I sigh from the familiarity and our lips move together, returning to their embrace from earlier in the night. I swipe my tongue against hers, tasting the sweetness that I craved and she whimpers into my mouth. Heat crawls up my neck and I try to contain whatever excitement trying to jump out of my skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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