Chapter two

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         Short chapter?

             Around 12:49 pm, when I got off helping Olivia and Parker, we switched with two of my other younger siblings, and Michael stayed behind to help teach the two about their healing abilities. We are currently heading over to archery. Olivia to my right, who was humming a tune, while Parker was on my left with his head in a book.

            The scent of honey filled the air, and the grass swayed in the wind as we passed the strawberry fields, with satyrs and campers working alike with their straw hats to block the sun's mighty glow. I could feel it as I slowly closed my eyes—the sun's warmth against my skin and the comfort it provided me.

           'Aster, if you had to pick to eat one huge taco or one tiny pickle. What would it be?' His eyes never left the words on the pages. 'What?' I asked, tilting my head as I glanced down at him. Parker tended to ask strange questions out of thin air, and they sometimes confused the sun out of me.

           'Just, answer the question.' He spoke, turning the page of his book as he pushed his purple glasses up against his nose And I began to think about his question. 'Uh... I'd go with the huge taco.' I finally said my answer, nodding my head in motion.


         'Seriously?' Olivia scoffed with a slight laugh, shaking her head. 'What's wrong with that?' Tacos are the most delicious food my mother has ever given me for launch, and no one can prove me otherwise.

         Pickles, that's another story. They are horrible, yuck; I'll never eat then, even if my life was on the line. 'Tacos are way better than pickles.' I said with pure confidence, 'I'd rather eat one big taco then a tiny pickle.' I continued as I nodded my head.

       'The pickle is so much easier to eat and way better.' Olivia stated that as she argued back at me, Parker just remained quiet, watching the chaos he had created unfold right in front of his eyes. I gasped when Olivia said that, like she had just insulted my favourite band. 'I can't believe a member of my own family would say that.'

        'Well, you better get used to it, little man.' She said it in a joking way, but all I felt was betrayed. Pickles are better than tacos, little man?! This was now a crime scene. 'I can't even look at you'. I scoffed, turning away from her.

         'Good. You can't handle this much beauty anyway.' She chuckled. If I could see her at the moment, she'd be flipping her hair over her shoulders. 'What beauty?' I joked.

       I glanced back at her, and she held this evil look in her eyes. 'That's it!' I burst into giggles as she started chasing me around Parker. 'Get back here, little man!' She shouted with a smile planted on her face. 'Stop it, you two, We're nearly there.' I heard Parker say, We both came to a halt, then caught up with Parker, heading over to archery.


        I woke up with two hands on my shoulder, shaking me like crazy, 'Aster!' the familiar voice was loud but in a sort of whisper, opening my eyes, I came face to face with Annabeth's grey eyes and said, 'Wake up.' She whispered to me, and I rubbed my eyes as I leaned up. 'What do you want, Annabeth?' I say it tiredly, yawning slightly.

       'you've been summoned to the big house.' Annabeth replied as she stood up straight. I let out a groan. I was not ready for this. 'The sun's not up yet, so, I'm not up yet.' I mumbled, flopping back down against my pillow, ready to head back to sleep, but Annabeth was not having it when she ripped my pillow from under my head along with my blanket, dumping them on the floor.

       'Get up, sun boy.' She ordered quietly, and sadly, I complied as I got up from the comfort of my bottom bunk. 'I'm up, jeez, I mumbled the last part as I put my shoes on.

       'Good, come on.' She says as she walks out of the Apollo cabin, Was I allowed to get dressed, I thought. I was just wearing some jeans and one of my spare half-blood shirts. I groaned once more as I ran after Annabeth.

       'What's this about anyway?' I asked Annabeth as I caught up with her, I wrapped my hands around my upper arms and rubbed them to produce heat. 'Newbie.' Was all she saying, seriously? They woke me up from my sleep to help with a new camper, I mean, I don't mind helping, but at 6:30 in the morning. That's a low blow right there.

        We finally arrived at the big house, and there was Chiron, waiting at the top of the steps. 'Aster. Thank you for coming on short notice.' He thanked me, but I just shrugged my shoulders. 'Not that I had a choice,' I muttered to myself.

        'Just follow me.' He said as he started walking inside the big house. Me and I followed him; when we arrived, there was a boy, probably a few months older than myself. He has black hair and looks slightly weird, as if he had gotten into a fight; he is currently unconscious. 'What the hell happened to him?' I asked, pointing slightly at him as I asked Chiron.

        'He was attacked by a minotaur.' Chiron explained to me as Annabeth leaned against the railing. My eyes widened; this boy was attacked by a minotaur! And he lived. He was either skilled or just dumb luck, I thought, but it was still cool that he survived.

         'I need you and Annabeth to watch over Percy until he wakes up.' He explains to the two of us, Percy,? That's his name; he does kind of look like a Percy. Wait, what does a Percy look like? I shook my head but agreed with Chiron's task. 'Yeah, of course.' I replied.

         He nodded his head and trotted off down the hall. I looked down at the boy who lay on one of the beds; judging by his condition, he'd just been through hell and probably would be exhausted. I'll need to get some nectar for him.

        'I'm goin' to get some nectar; keep an eye on sleepin beauty, will ya?' I faced Annabeth as I asked, and I trusted her not to kill the newbie on his first day, hopefully. 'Yeah, of course.' Annabeth nodded in agreement.

         I left the room to get some nectar; it took me some time to find it, but I did. I slowly poured the nectar into a glass, just the right amount—not too much and not too little. Once I was finished, I headed back out to see Annabeth talking to Percy.

         'What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!'

         'I'm sorry,' he mumbled. 'I don't know...' That was when I made myself known, startling Annabeth in the process. 'Annabeth, are you interrogating my patient?' I asked, crossing my arms as the two looked at me. 'No. I'm just stuffing his mouth full of pudding.' She scoffed as she forced the spoon filled with pudding into his mouth. He ate it, then fell back unconscious. 'Sure...' I said as there was a knock on the door.

Words: 1233

If there are any grammar mistakes in my writing, please tell me, and I will fix them as soon as I can. Any feedback will be appreciated.

I will also be changing to the third person since I find it easier to write in.

no update this Friday 

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