Chapter One

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Author's note!—important to the story.

I know that Apollo's children have the ability to heal—vitakinesis (singing hymns to their father in Ancient Greek) and music healing (singing songs or melodies; they can channel healing energy to others).

So, Aster has those two, but his main ability for healing comes from channelling energy (healing energy) into his hands. His hands glow an intense bright light, giving him the ability to heal with his hands—no singing—but he could sing to his father to manage more difficult injuries.

Does that make sense?

              'Aster.' My focus was diverted to the figure in front of me when I heard two fingers snapping in my face. Lee, my older half-brother, He was two years older than me.

              He asked, 'Are You listening?' 'Yeah. of course, I am.' I shrug my shoulders as I tell him, acting as though I was paying attention to him. However, Lee looked at me as if he knew I wasn't. Naturally, he was correct.

           Aside from Luke and the Hermes cabin, where I was staying before my father claimed me, Lee was one of the first to greet me at the camp.

           "What were we talkin' about?" I gave him a guilty smile as I looked up at him. He simply rolled his eyes at me before folding his arms and beginning to speak again. 'I was saying to head over to medical. You're needed over there for the morning.'

              I blinked. Medical needs me so early? 'What happened?' I questioned. Normally, they didn't need me until later. 'They didn't say.' He simply shrugged. walking past me into cabin 7, also known as Apollo's cabin. For Apollo's children, including myself, Lee, and others.

               'Of course they didn't,' I grumbled as I walked towards medical. Like most Apollo children, I was exceptionally gifted at healing. That's a fact.

             Then, colliding into someone's back, I realised that I had once again lost my train of thought. Oh, Apollo, today is not my day. 'Gosh. Sorry, I wasn't lookin—' I tried to apologise to the person I butted into, but I got cut off.

                 'Why are you apologising, aster?' I became aware of the taller, blonde-haired figure before me as I looked up. Luke. Another older brother figure to me. Luke arrived at camp a year before me, along with Annabeth and Thalia. Even though he barely had a year there himself, he still took the time to show me around the camp and clarified everything I needed to know about the gods and the camp.

           Before I knew it, he was ruffling my hair up. 'Luke! seriously?' I sneered. swatting his hand from my head. He simply chuckled at himself and at me.

                 'How's your day going?' He questioned me. If you do not already know, this is Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. as well as the cabin 11 counsellor. Plus, a remarkable guy to know in camp.

                'Eh, it's goin' alright.' My shoulders ached. Rolling them for relief didn't entirely work, so I simply loosened the straps of my overalls. 'Besides missin' out on my Greek lessons, yeah. doin' great.' I love my Greek lessons and understanding the language of my father's side of the family. It brought me even closer to him, even though I've only spoken to him once or twice.

                  'You're great at Greek. I'll think you'll live if you miss one lesson.' He complimented me, but I gave him a small smile. 'Thanks but Annabeth is goin' to have my head for it.' I scoffed as I had a shiver run down my spine at the thought of Annabeth having my head and burying me six feet under.

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