.𖥔 ݁ ˖๋ ࣭ ⭑ deep end

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for my felix,

if somebody told me that i would be marrying the drunk guy who i met by chance on the beach in sydney whilst on my year abroad - i would tell them to quit joking around and rejoin reality.

funny how things workout though, isn't it?

our first date was in a coffee shop after you'd found my instagram and wanted to apologise for throwing up all over my dress that night. if you weren't such a gentleman about it, i probably would've blocked you straightaway. and you said you'd pay, so who am i to pass up on an opportunity for free food?

our first kiss was under the fireworks on new year's in the gold coast, the smell of the ocean still in my hair. you convinced me to take a late night swim with you; against my better judgment, i dove right into the deep end - i knew you would catch me when i fell.

our first apartment was covered in awful wallpaper that for some reason you adored. the green stripes were truly an eyesore, but to you they were everything. you told me that it gave the place character, and that it would grow on me eventually. although i protested, all you had to do was bat your pretty puppy dog eyes and i gave in.

our first argument occurred because you wanted more than what the world had to offer. your dreams were too big to hold, yet you still chased them relentlessly; until they slipped through your fingers and fell into the sand below. it was devastating to watch you lose yourself, but you persevered through the difficult times with a smile on your face like you always did.

and it all lead up to this.

now, i am sitting here in a stunning white dress with 15 minutes until i am called to walk down the aisle and marry the man of my dreams.

i may have not been your first love, felix. but i intend to be your last.

always and forever,

 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 ˢᵏᶻWhere stories live. Discover now