Important for the future

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Alright so I'm guessing after season 1 a few of you have questions on Delsin's power and how they were changed hence why I made this chapter,plus I want to clarify most of the decisions I made both now and moving forward.

1 Powers why smoke:

I chose to give him smoke as a quirk for a few reasons but the main one would probably be that since I'm making conduits quirked individuals to give him his actual abilities in the game he would immediately become the most overpowered person in the entire series, which i'm not aiming to do least in the context of him having multiple quirks. Plus it's just easier for me to have one quirk that I can focus and flesh out than for separate ones with some not being used as often.

So no Delsin won't be getting Neon or Video at any point in this series.I'm sorry if that upsets you.


(Present mic: Delsin Rowe quirk smoke by absorbing into his body he can freely manipulate it and even turn into it, talk about cool huh!)

Also unlike most of his other abilities doing a smoke dash takes stamina rather than him needing to tap into his reserves.

. Healing

So I gave A little bit of an explanation on how Delsin's heal t this is a more in depth explanation:

So if you're wondering why Delsin didn't heal right after Deku punched him in the face, well the simple answer to that is he couldn't. For Delsin to heal himself there are three questions to ask.

1.Does he have enough smoke to heal himself?

2.How tired is he?

3.How bad was the injury?

In the example of the USJ Incident, not only did he lose his entire reserve of smoke beforehand , he was also tired due to doing a smoke dash.

Also constant or overwhelming amounts of damage can also slow down the healing process.

(Fun fact: Delsin's eyes were originally brown but after getting his quirk they turned red)

2. Characters:

Characters like Reggie and Augustine will be making an appearance, in fact a large majority of the second sun cast will have an appearance, either in the main series or movies and yes Infamous 1 and 2 will have a few cameos. I am bringing one character from a different series but I promise they're gonna serve a purpose.

(guess which character it is)

Voice actors


English-Troy Baker

Japanese-Hiroshi Kamiya


English-Laura Bailey

Japanese-Fairouz ai

Any new profiles will have voice actors listed.

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