Season 2 Chapter 1: Roaring sports Festival!

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A man wearing a pink shirt was sitting on a couch, looking down on a small cooing infant in his arms.A woman with black hair came out of a hallway surprised by the sight.

Black haired woman: Hey, what is he doing up? *whispering*

Pink shirt man; Tried putting him to bed *smiling* he didn't want to let go.

Black haired woman: I swear you spoil both of them too much. *sighing*

Pink shirt man: *looking up* You know I don't like yelling, plus they're both so precious can you blame me.... Wait what about-

Black haired woman: He has been asleep for awhile now so don't worry. *interrupting* If he was awake however *staring down at him* I would be very mad at you for waking both our children.

A very cold chill went down the man's spine, as the woman let out an even deeper sigh as she collapsed on the couch next to the man while looking a the baby.

Black haired woman: You really are a stubborn one.

Pink shirt man: Yeah, like his mother. *he added*

The woman let out a gasp before letting out a turrent of soft punches towards the man.

Pink shirt man: *laughing* Ok, ok mercy.

Black haired woman: *pouting* He better not be a smart-ass like you.

Pink shirt man: Pretty sure Reggie already has that covered. *he joked*

They both look down only to see the baby sleeping through the chaos, the woman reaches down to fix the tiny hat on the baby's head.

Black haired woman: You really are a strange *distorted* Delsin.








???: Delsin

Delsin slowly raises his head only to be met with brown eyes staring back at him.

Delsin: *yawning* Hey Uraraka, what's up?

Uraraka: Were you seriously sleeping?

Delsin: Nothing was happening, plus I usually get here super early. *sitting up*

After the event of the USJ the school was temporarily closed, however no one in class 1-A could fully rest easy knowing that they were directly attacked by villains and barely saved by All Might. Suddenly Iida comes into the classroom.

Iida: My fellow student! Homeroom will start shortly, so please quiet down and grab your seats!

Delsin: You're the only one standing bud.

Sero: And you're also shouting.

Iida: Shoot!

Uraraka: Don't worry about it.

Mina begins to lean back in her chair.

Mina: I wonder who's gonna teach homeroom today?

Tsuyu: Well, Mr. Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital because of his injuries.

Delsin: So we might be getting a sub, sweet.

Suddenly the door flung open to reveal....

Suddenly the door flung open to reveal

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