Calling In a Favor

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Jake just swirls his drink, before taking another sip.

Outside a deer demon in a red suit arrives with a large smile on his face.

Back inside Smaug grabs a glass and starts cleaning it. "Soooo.... You got any interesting Bounty contracts?"

Jake stares at Smaug, his eyes burning into Smaug.

"Hehehe..." Smaug gulps. "Right, you don't talk about work that much."

The door opens and a bell chimes.

Smaug smiles, and looks to the newcomer. "Wel..." His eyes widen. "-come... I'll be right back!" Smaug disappears into the kitchen.

"Ahhh, Jake, my dear friend..." A voice with a radio filter calls out.

The glass is Jake's hand cracks as his tail rattles. "Alastor." He glances back and glares at Alastor.

" He glances back and glares at Alastor

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"Oh, don't be like that." Alastor walks over to Jake and puts an arm around him. "We haven't seen each other in such a long time, we should celebrate, friend."

Alastor hears a click and his smile widens as he looks down and sees Jake pointing his revolver into deer demon's stomach.

"I'd like it if you'd remove your arm." Jake glares at Alastor.

Alastor laughs as he steps back from Jake. "Oh, come on, let's not get hasty now, shall we, Jakey?" The space around him starts to glitch.and crackle.

Jake stares at Alastor before he spins his revolver and slams it into its holster. "What do you want." He turns away and sips on his drink.

"I'm just here to call in that favor you owe me from 30 years ago."

Jake chokes on his drink and coughs as he beats on his chest. "The fuck you mean, favor?"

Alastor leans onto the counter next to Jake. "Oh have you forgotten?" He taps Jake on the head with his radio can. "Let me remind you, you happen to piss off someone very powerful and I, like the good friend I am, stepped in and got you out of trouble."

Jake blinks a few times before his tail rattles. "Fuck me..."

"Ahhh, so you remember?" Alastor only gets the bird as a response, causing his grin to grow. "Good, good. Now that you remember, I want to use that favor you owe me."

Jake sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Fine, what do you want, Alasssstor?" His forked tongue flicks out for a second.

"Oh, nothing much, just for you to accompany me to Happy Hotel!"

"The Fuck isssss Happy Hotel?"

"Oh, just the source of our new enjoyment!" Alastor puts an arm around Jake, making him hiss at Alastor.

Alastor makes Jake stand, and the two walk towards the door of the bar.

Jake stands at a tall seven feet and two inches. (218.4 cm.) An inch shorter then Alastor.

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