Chapter 51

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She was vaguely aware of someone coming in and sticking her again, possibly more than once but she couldn't be sure. After a while, it seemed as though they had stopped giving her the drugs as she began to become more lucid.

She sat on the cot, staring at the wall. How was she supposed to get out of this situation? Did anyone know she was even missing? Even if they did, would they have any idea where to look for her? Her heart ached for Nick. She missed him so much. Once he realized she was missing, he would go frantic.

"Ah good, you're awake."

It felt like déjà vu and she wondered if this was what her life had become: Groundhog Day. She didn't bother to look at him.

He opened the cell and placed a metal tray with food on the bed. "Eat up."

She glanced down at it and heard her own stomach growl. It actually looked like a decent breakfast and she decided to dig in. It wasn't like they could poison her.

Her thoughts drifted while she ate. Her father would come find her. He'd rip the world apart looking for her. But then she remembered something. The guard had called her Caroline yesterday. How had he known that?

She'd been at the Salon when this had happened. Was this tied back to Salt Flats? She remembered everything she'd been told. Underground cages. Women kept for breeding purposes. It fit. She swallowed, suddenly not hungry anymore.

You need to eat, she told herself, and forced herself to finish the food.

Hours went by as she sat, waiting. She wasn't sure for what though. Her captor came back and gave her another dose and took her tray. "Not much longer now. This dose is less than the others have been."

She didn't know whether to be relieved that she might get some answers or afraid. She bit her lip nervously and kept her arms tightly around her legs which she had pulled up. She had yet to really warm up. She needed Holly.

"Caroline. Welcome to Salt Flats Pack."

She turned her head at the sound of her name and frowned. On the other sides of the door stood Alpha Mason. She narrowed her eyes. "You."

He smirked. "I thought you were awfully beautiful when you came here a few weeks ago. Honestly, if I could have stolen you out from Nick's nose then, I would have."

Noelle felt her heart clench at the mention of her mate's name. She kept her expression the same though.

"What are you to him anyway? His little plaything? How many times has he been between your legs? I'm wondering how well he has you trained. Not that it matters. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be perfectly trained for me," Mason mused.

Noelle scoffed inwardly. She'd kill him before he touched her. She kept her face serene though.

"You know, the next time he comes, maybe we'll tag team you. One of us in your mouth while the other one is between your legs. Now that be fun. You think he'd go for something like that?" Mason asked her.

She didn't respond and all of a sudden she felt a shock and she cried out.

"You will answer me when I talk to you, or I'll make you regret it," he growled.

She looked at him and held up her middle finger. The shock she received from that was much stronger, causing her to scream.

"You might want to rethink your answers, you disrespectful little bitch," he growled.

Pick your battles, she told herself. "Yes, Alpha."

"Good girl. You know, I have to admit it was sheer luck that you were at that salon. But I couldn't take my pack members back without taking you as well. I have no idea what they told you. Can't have you taking that back to your pack and telling Nick, now could I?" He leaned against the cell.

The Alpha Queen's Mate (Book 5 of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz