Chapter 42

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Noelle had decided to dress a bit more conservatively than a sports bra for Nick's sanity. He was already going to be pissed that Elias had tried to kiss her. She didn't need any other unmated werewolves eating her up with their eyes.

Elias had changed as well and they headed out to the training grounds. Noelle frowned as they drew close and she saw a woman talking to Nick.

He turned as soon as he caught her scent and smiled at her. The woman prattled on, even though he was half paying attention. She leaned in close and touched his arm. Noelle frowned. Nick pulled back from her and Noelle watched her pout.

Noelle looked her over. She was wearing a sports bra that was too small for her and her large breasts looked as though they were trying to escape. She sighed in exasperation.

"Lola, stop trying to flirt with him and get back to work," Elias called in annoyance.

She looked at the Alpha and gave him a saucy smile. "Yes, Alpha. Anything you wish."

Noelle rolled her eyes.

"Nick, your mate wishes to spar with me," Elias said smugly. He was going to enjoy this, probably too much, though he'd have to be careful not to hurt her. But he wouldn't mind having her on the ground underneath him.

Nick's gaze darted back and forth between the Alpha's smug expression and Noelle's annoyed one. Are you jealous?

She smiled at him. He wants me. He's tried to convince me already to dump you for him. He tried to kiss me.

Nick frowned at her. He what?

That's why I'm going to put him in his place. She smirked.

Just don't kill him. If anyone gets to do that, it's me for daring to touch what's mine. The last part came out as a growl which she found arousing. She took a deep breath and followed Alpha Elias over to the circle.

"So if I win, does this mean I get to be King?" Elias smirked at her.

"This isn't a challenge, Alpha Elias. If it was, you wouldn't be leaving this circle alive," Noelle taunted him.

"I almost believe that," he said, pulling off his shirt before turning to his men who were gathered to watch. "Northumbria, this young lady is Noelle Remington, heir to the throne. She'll rule over us all one day. She's challenged me to a friendly match." He turned back to her. "Let's begin."

Nick loved watching her spar, even if it was against another man. He always had. She was graceful and could have been a dancer with the way she moved. She was also incredibly skilled and few were a match. He could mostly hold his own against her, but it was rare that she didn't break something. Now he could think of other things to do with her besides spar.

It didn't take long before the Alpha began to realize he couldn't hold back against her. She was lightning fast and Elias was overly large. While Noelle and Nick were both powerful werewolves through and through, they had both had human mothers which affected their height. He was only six foot one, and Noelle was almost a foot shorter than him at five two. Her mother was even shorter than her.

It had taken his mother, Penny, some time to decide if she wanted to become a werewolf or not. She had gotten pregnant with his brother, Elijah, not long after she'd completed the mating bond with his father. She'd gotten pregnant with Nick only six months after she'd given birth to Elijah, right after she had agreed to be turned. Having a pup with Roland had helped her make up her mind. She wanted to be a werewolf too.

But Caleb had urged her to wait as he didn't want to cause any risk to her pregnancy, and Nick had been born to a human mother. He sighed. He missed her a great deal. He'd last seen her a little over a hundred years ago. She and his father had stayed in England when the pack moved to America.

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