Sighing, I turned around and walked back into the house. Looks like it would be the TV occupying me again this evening.


I tapped my pen against the desk, listening to what Jord was saying intensely like I always did. I was almost surprised no one picked up on it, since everyone else was always dawdling about, doodling on their books. I seemed to be the only one who actually paid attention in maths, even if it was mostly for the wrong reasons.

There was the occasional girl who paid attention, but I knew all of that concentration was on Jord and his devilishly good looks, not the words that was coming out of his mouth. And whilst it did evoke some feelings of jealousy inside me, I could squash it when I noticed him give me a small smile, a smile that was reserved only for me during his lessons.

It got to five to, and I was disappointed to know that there was only ten minutes of the lesson left. Jord’s lessons were by far my favourite, and it was sad to see them end. I wasn’t complaining about getting my lunch though, because I was always starving when it got to lunchtime.

A couple of seconds later, however, there was a knock on the door. Jord went over to answer it, but instead of a teacher walking in like I had expected, it was Matt who entered the room. A small smirk settled on my lips as he took a seat behind Jord’s desk.

Jord looked a little less pleased than me to have had his lesson interrupted though, but kept on speaking regardless. Grace gave me a sideways glance from her seat beside me. “What’s Matt doing here?” She inquired.

I shrugged. “No idea.” I replied honestly. It didn’t mean I didn’t want him to be here though. I hadn’t seen him for over a week, because he hadn’t popped into work at all.

Matt’s eyes scanned the classroom then, until he picked out my face among the students. His eyes widened slightly, then a smirk graced his face. He was obviously planning something.

Jord was still lecturing whilst Matt searched his desk. For what, I didn’t know. I also noticed how most of the class’s eyes were also glued to him. It was common knowledge we had dated - well supposedly dated. It had been fake, but that wasn’t what the student body thought.

What wasn’t so well known, however, was that Matt was Jord’s brother. They were all probably more than puzzled as to why Matt was currently sitting behind the teacher’s desk as though he owned the place. I didn’t care though. It wasn’t any concern of mine whether or not people knew if Jord and Matt were related. It was only a problem for me when we were fake dating.

A smug look crossed Matt’s face when he apparently found what he was looking for on the desk. When Jord turned around to write a complicated equation on the board, Matt stretched his arm back and released the rubbed so that it hit me in the head.

He tried to smother his chuckles as it his me square on the forehead, but a few escaped. I wasn’t sure if the whole class had seen, but quite a few turned around to look at me confused. I guess people didn’t think we’d still be on such good terms after breaking up.

I just smirked though and grabbed the shard of rubber which had fallen on my desk. Doing the same, I threw it with as much force as possible. Unlike I’d intended, it was just a bit short, landing on the desk rather than Matt’s head like I’d hoped.

He stuck his tongue out at me in a non verbal way of gloating. I stuck my fingers up at him, whilst he just through the rubber back at me. Unlike last time, it missed. I grinned in satisfaction.

Grabbing the rubber again, I took aim. I was determined to get him this time. Narrowing my eyes, I threw it.

I gaped incredulously as the rubber veered completely off course and ended up hitting Jord in the middle of the back. I was sure my aim wasn’t that bad.

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