Chapter 11

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Deep within an underground cavern, an ancient door creaked open as Astrella made her way into the room that was concealed by it. The room was small and round with dingy purple rock walls that had a slight glint to them. To the average person, it appeared to be nothing too special.

"At last, the Tratodest Vault," she grinned.

Astrella had been looking for the vault for some time now. Containing forbidden Kurai Magic within its walls, it had been locked behind a magical door located in a cavernous labyrinth that was surrounded by a vast array of other caverns.

She opened the spell book she was carrying to a random page.

"Now, now, now," she muttered, glossing over the text. "In order to get this magic out, I need to combine the names of two spells."

She plucked two random ones from the page she was on and said an incantation that combined their names. The walls didn't react, so she tried the opposite of what she said. Still, the walls remained dormant. Astrella was undeterred by this.

"Perhaps, I need to get more personal and ancient with these spells," she thought. "One thing's for sure, though. I will get this magic. It's the key to solving all my problems."

She then chortled mischievously to herself.

"It will also let me expedite the process of using magic without a wand. I'll just be a few more Auroons from fully attaining it. It won't even matter if they're from this world or not. Oh ho ho! This is too perfect!"

She returned to flipping through her spell book until she was interrupted by a loud thud from behind.

She turned around in surprise, "Who's there?!"

On the ground was a furry, calico printed axolotl that had dog-like eyes. He had been invisible on the ceiling watching Astrella's every movement. That was until a bit of rock gave way and sent him crashing to the ground.

"Mikkel?!" Astrella gasped.

Mikkel sat up and rubbed his head, Astrella put two and two together.

"You were sent by Meredith to spy on me!" she shouted.

"I-I-I-I-I was just...." he started.

Astrella raised her wand.

"Never mind your pity explanations. You saw what I did, and I simply can't allow you to get away with it," she retorted, getting ready to cast a spell.

Back at Evandow, Kyle, Sly, and Marion were heading back to the dorm from their club meeting. Upon entering the foyer, Stan came out from the common room to greet them.

"Finally, you guys are back. I've been wanting to talk to you, Kyle," Stan avowed.

"What for?" Kyle asked.

"You mind teaching me Bloomorb?" he asked. "It's been on my mind ever since you told me about it, and I think it would be good to have in my arsenal of spells."

"I can teach you later," Kyle told him. "I have to wash Falcon and Thoren right now."

"You get in trouble again?" Stan asked, rather bemused.

"No, no. I asked Mattrex if I could help out with them," Kyle responded.

"Ah, I see," Stan sighed.

Marion piped up, "I can teach you right now, Stan."

"Really?" Stan gasped.

Marion fist pumped, "Totally! Kyle was the one who taught me the spell in the first place."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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