Chapter 2

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The dining hall was a large, elongated room with kalidostone flooring and sandstone walls. There were three long tables all in a row in the middle of the room, one for each year in the school. Near the back of the room was a giant round table where all the professors as well as the headmistress and assistant head sat. In the back of the room was a serving counter along with a double door leading into the kitchen. Students would go by the counter and ask for things to be put on their tray like a traditional school cafeteria.

The line to get food was quite long due to the sheer number of students. Fortunately, it moved quickly since the staff was using magic to transfer the food to the students' trays as opposed to by hand. Kyle had never eaten at his school's cafeteria; he was never comfortable with the crowds that gathered there. He wasn't comfortable with the crowds here, but knew he had to get used to it.

Stan could sense Kyle's uneasiness and told him to stick with him. Kyle wanted to be by himself, but realizing he'd have to sit next to someone anyhow, decided it might as well be him since he knew his personality. The two got into line and waited their turn. Once it was Kyle's, he grabbed a tray and looked at the food they were offering. The options consisted of both food served in the human world as well as food that was special to Mahoroth so that students could try different food while also having food they were used to as back up.

Kyle asked for a slice of pepperoni pizza with a side of Evandow Mac and Cheese, and a bottle of fruit punch. Behind him, Stan asked for the same, aside replacing the slice with five buffalo drumsticks. They found seats near the kitchen end of the first year table and sat down to enjoy their meal.

Wanting to try the local food first, Kyle took a bite out of the mac and cheese. While the noodles tasted like they normally did, the cheese had a very complex flavor to it. It didn't taste like cheddar cheese, it tasted like every kind of cheese melted together with the strong tasting ones really coming out. Kyle wasn't a huge fan of it, but ate it anyway to satisfy his appetite.

As he ate his food, Kyle started hearing Marion's voice. He looked up and saw her waving her hand in the air.

"Kyle! Stan!" she cried.

Stan looked over, "Marion, there's a seat here!"

Kyle didn't want her sitting there, but felt it would be manageable since she also knew his personality. He was curious as to how Stan knew her, and asked him about it.

"We chatted on our way to the Moonlight Dorm," he explained to him. "That lassie is quite the bottle of energy."

Marion sat her tray down in front of Kyle and took her seat. On said tray was a large stack of white and red pearl shaped noodles.

"What's that you got there?" Stan asked her.

"Sweet and spicy letcha. The white pearls are coated in sweet sauce and the red pearls are coated in spicy sauce," Marion told him. "No one was taking it, so they let me have three helpings of it!"

Marion jabbed her fork into a red and white pearl and plopped them in her mouth. Her face lit right up.

"Wow! This is delicious!" she exclaimed as she started to scarf the stack down.

"Figures I'd get the seat next to the big eater," a voice sighed.

The three looked up to see a girl with black hair looming over them. It was the exact same girl Kyle ran into earlier that day. She was looking quite miffed and had just a singular cameo apple on her tray. She placed it down on the table before sitting herself down. She picked up the apple and bit into it.

Marion looked at the empty tray, "Is that really all you got for lunch?"

"I have to prepare for our afternoon class; there's no time for eating," she answered, looking dead ahead.

Enchanted Castersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें