Chapter 5

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Sunday finally arrived and Kyle's punishment was over. His first order of business was to go talk with Astrella and see if she had found any leads on his magical abilities.

He found her in her room musing over some papers. Her room was similar to his astrology professor's room in that there was a large projector in the middle with seats around it. Kyle went over to her desk, which was situated near the back of the room.

"Excuse me..." Kyle said as Astrella looked up quite startled. "I was wondering if you found anything out about my abilities?"

"Ah!" Astrella gasped, throwing the papers up in the air. "I haven't found anything yet! I've tried everything I know, twice even, and never got any usable information!"

"Everything?" Kyle asked wistfully.

"Yes, everything!" she wailed.

She pulled out a large, folded piece of paper from the drawer and spread it out on her desk. It had a bunch of crudely drawn images on it that were all connected together with a multitude of colored lines. Kyle didn't understand any of it.

"See, this is all the research I did; all to get nothing from it," she remarked, tapping her finger on the paper.

"I-I see," Kyle replied, still not understanding it. "C-could you keep trying?"

"I'll keep researching, but I think your abilities may be totally undocumented," she told him doubtfully.

She wrote down a few things relating to the map on a bunch of sticky notes and attached them to the pricks of a mini, lilac cactus she had on her desk.

"Not to rush you, but it's kind of important since there's this girl who wants me for it," Kyle expressed to her.

"Ooooh, like for a date?" Astrella asked excitedly.

"N-no, she wants to acquire me for something," he corrected.

"Oh, right, silly me!" Astrella chuckled. "In that case, I'll try extra hard to find out what's up."

"Thanks," Kyle told her. "Though, I have one more question to ask."

"Which is?" Astrella inquired.

"Since you're an astrologist, I was wondering if you knew anything about the Aura Moon?" Kyle asked. "Could that possibly have anything to do with my powers?"

Astrella seemed distressed by this notion.

"I-I do, but it has nothing to do with your powers," she stammered, trying to collect herself. "Believe me, that was the first thing I tried as told by this chart."

She pointed to where it was. It was the badly drawn circle in the middle of the paper that had multiple lines drawn from it and was crossed out with a red X.

"Ah, I see," Kyle sadly sighed. "Well, good luck with the research."

"Before you go," Astrella said, "where did you hear about the Aura Moon from? Your astrology professor wouldn't have taught you about it this early."

"Um, overheard Meredith talking about it," Kyle replied.

"Ah, that explains it," Astrella said, eyes looking off to the side for a split second.

Kyle left her room as she waved him off. He decided to head to the library next to see if they had any books about magical phenomena in people. Unfortunately, the librarian had bad news for him.

"I'm afraid Professor Astrella has checked out every book we have on the matter," she told him.

"Boy, she must really be intent on finding this out," Kyle mumbled to himself.

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