Chapter 4

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From his room's window, Stan watched as the older students flew around on their broomsticks.

He was completely mesmerized, "You think we'll get to learn how to fly brooms soon?"

Kyle looked up from his book, "When Lillian was here, she learned how to fly quite early into her general magic class."

"Like, how early?" Stan inquired.

"Not sure," Kyle answered. "She never specified."

"I hope it's soon," Stan wished. "That was the main draw of Evandow for me. I just needed to experience that feeling of soaring through the air."

He faced Kyle, "Incidentally, what drew you to Evandow?"

"It wasn't anything at Evandow specifically, rather it was the world it was set in, Mahoroth. I was so enthralled by all the things Lillian had told me about it that I had to see it for myself," Kyle explained.

"Makes sense," Stan agreed. "Places are usually better when experienced firsthand. That was the case when I moved to Scotland. It was vastly different from what I had been told about it. It wasn't as glamorous, but it wasn't terrible either."

Kyle closed his book, "In any case, we should grab some breakfast."

He woke up Sly, who was sleeping next to him, and they headed down to the dining hall. After eating, they made their way to their general magic class only to be greeted by a note on the door that told them to meet Garrith outside.

Stan's excitement grew, "You think we'll be learning how to fly brooms today?"

"We'll have to see," Kyle responded.

As they made their way outside, Stan asked Kyle if he thought his magic would act up again, much to his chagrin.

"I would rather not acknowledge it," Kyle grumbled.

"Why not?" Sly asked. "According to that Astrella chick, it's an impressive feat. Besides, it's what healed my injuries."

"I'm aware of that, but I hate having people harassing me over it," Kyle lamented. "I just want to leave it be."

Stan put his arms behind his head, "Hey, if that's what you want, we won't talk about it, right, Sly?"

Sly yipped and nodded his head.

The students found Garrith on the right side of the school where he handed a broom to each of them. He instructed them to stand in a row and stood in front of them.

"Good morning, everyone! As you can tell, you'll be learning about the art of broomstick flying today!" he told them. "Now watch carefully."

He put the broom between his legs and used the spell, Jetton. The broom began floating in the air as Garrith pulled it up. This resulted in his feet leaving the ground. Once airborne, he used Jetton again and the broom began moving. After pulling it up some more, he began steering it around the field and even performed a few tricks for the students below. He then flew down to the ground and used Jettoff to make the broom stop moving. Once he got his feet on solid ground, he used Jettoff again and made it clatter to the ground lifelessly.

"That's how you do it!" he exclaimed to the awe of the students.

He split the students up into small groups, which would go one at a time to practice flying. This was to give them more space and reduce the possibility of accidents occuring. Kyle was placed in the last group to practice flying, which was fine by him.

Stan was in the first group to go. He had little to no trouble getting the hang of it. He even attempted a loop trick. It was a bit clumsy, but it was a loop nonetheless. He waved to Kyle from the sky with a big grin on his face. Kyle waved back at him as Sly barked excitedly.

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