second book

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for those wondering about an update, I actually made a second book. I am not sure if I mentioned that or not. The book is called "The Queen of War".

I actually didn't realize how bad my writing and timing was until I went back and re-read the whole thing. I plan to rewriting both of the books after I get done with my second one. High school is tough and a lot is happening in life. Writing is one of my escapes from the harsh reality, so I enjoy writing out my imagination for you all. I plan on keeping notes as I go along, hopefully that helps. If you guys could please remind me of any errors or mistakes, that would be much appreciated. I realize I often get times and days mixed up on these books, so I am working on fixing those before the end of the year. Also, do you guys think I change the plot and characters around too much? I relaized while reading that I will have the mc fall in love and 2 pages later someone else shows up. Should I rewrite that too???

Thank you my loves!!!!!! I can't wait to hear and see from you in my notifications! you guys really make me happy, even if all you are doing is voting or adding my books to your library. It makes me really happy. Bye <333

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