chapter 19.

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My pov~

The both of you were zooming down the empty streets of Tokyo, you got over your fear of bikes and you would randomly reach your arms out to the sky, which Mikey found cute. You pulled up to a house that you assumed was Mikey's, he stopped the engine and you got off; however, he got a hold of your waist and pulled you to the bike again. You landed on the front of the bike seats right in front of Mikey as he supported your wait for balance. he looked at you right before landing a soft kiss on your lips, you stood there flustered "Baka! Let's just go!" you said standing up and avoiding looking at him "y/n~ no need to be mean~" he got off the bike and hugged you from the back while resting his chin on your head, you took this moment to turn your head and kiss his cheek. "Now let's go inside," you said as your pinky finger found his and walked inside the doors.

"Are you hungry y/n~ I don't know how to cook anything but fire, but I do have snacks!" he was trying his best to make you feel welcomed and comfortable "I'm fine Manjiro, what did we come here for?" you asked quite confused "I- I was wondering if you wanted to hang out here... is there anything you want to do? we can do whatever you want y/n! whatever you desire!" his fingers wrapped around yours as we looked into your eyes, he's desperately trying to make you love him even more, but doesn't know how to and you figured that out pretty quickly so you didn't say anything about him being overly clingy. "haha, Majiro~ your so sweet" you tightened your fingers around his and pulled them up to your cheeks, your eyes caught a play station and an x box "how about we play some video games?~" you had stars in your eyes as you were really wanting to play on an x box 'dammit! so cute!' Mikey thought as he saw how happy you got "Of course princess~" he walked you over to the Xbox and turned it on as you both started playing, you decided to play as teammates, but mixed it up after you both saw how good you both were. "You'll never beat me y/n!"   "just because you are invincible in a gang world doesn't mean you are in my world, Majiro Sano!"   "well, that means you're definitely going to beat me because you are my whole world~"  "Stop with the clingy shit! you're doing that on purpose to distract me aren't you?!"    "hehe~"

Mikey ended up beating you anyway but it was a close call "damn you, Sano!..." you said as you fell on his bed exhausted "Hehe, tired?" he was trying to brag about the fact that you lost, but you gave in the fact that he's pretty much perfect at everything "yeah yeah, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, try not to become amazing at something else while I'm gone," you said as you walked out the door, and in the distance, you heard this "don't jinx it~ if you come back here I can show you what else I'm good at y/n~" and with that, you ran somewhere away from him "idiot" you whispered.... you looked around and remembered that you didn't ask where the bathroom was 'Should I go back and ask Mikey?... no, that would be weird and he'd say something stupid...' you thought 'im sure it isn't hard to find' You looked around for anything that might look like a bathroom "dammit, I'm so stupid!..." you started to feel overwhelmed and anxiety kicked in. You quickly went around a corner of the house but bumped into something... or someone, and fell, you looked up at the figure and got scared as you looked into his eyes, they looked so familiar 'Mikey?' but it wasn't anyone you'd seen before...

"Who are you!?... wait... are you lost little lady?~ what are you doing here?~"

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