•[𝒯𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸]• 𝐵𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑜

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On close inspection to Miss Johnson's outfit, I can suddenly notice the perfect amount of cleavage being shown by the Navy blazer paired with a white v neck on display. Fuck, Avery what are you thinking? Why are you looking at your professor like this? Not just your professor but the women you hate most. To think I have to spend everyday after school with her for the rest of the week makes me literally want to drop out.

After actually feeling like I learnt something in that one hour, the detention was nearly over. Thank god. Miss Johnson was actually really good at her job which was so annoying, maybe I would be able to pass this year due to all three lessons being relatively easy. All I have to do is avoid the devil for the whole year, if I can manage to successfully it will equal to an easy life.

"Have you stopped being so dramatic yet Blondie?" A light shade of pink spreads across my face as she repeats the nickname she introduced me to last Friday. It was a weird situation we was in, due to her being my English professor and me serving her drinks the last weekend. I'm sure she could be a really nice girl but I suppose she just enjoyed being a complete bitch to me.

"I'm not dramatic Riley, You just got under my skin and I didn't want to lose my job arguing with you, so being the bigger person I decided to walk out and calm myself down." My words seeming to be affecting her in some way as I watched her shift in her seat. Perhaps it was the fact I actually addressed her by Riley and not some name to be annoying.

"Also I'm gonna need to know what days you intend on mentally torturing me by coming to my club" A sweet chuckle left her lips that were covered in a nude lipstick. I didn't like the way she could instantly make me forget how mad I was at her by just looking at me.

"Avery, I do not need to tell you anything, but seems as I affect you so much and I'm clearly on your mind a lot. You can look forward to me every Friday." She speaks with a sarcastic tone in her voice. God why was she so good at getting under my skin? She knows all the right things to say that piss me off. She makes my body feel so tense.

Finally being dismissed from the class, I was able to finally start getting myself home. The plan was grab some food on the way home somewhere, walk home and eat, get ready for bed, then finally sleep.

I remember seeing a pizza place called 'Joes Pizza' when I was walking this morning so I figured I would just grab a slice or two and bring them home. After paying for the pizza and muttering a small but sincere 'thank you' before heading home.


The first week of college was finally drawing to a close and I couldn't be any more grateful. My detentions had been pretty normal, well normal as in Miss Johnson hasn't really acknowledged me the whole hour and she just decided to sit at her desk the whole time. Don't get me wrong I preferred it this way but it was weird how she switched up.

Todays lesson was a little different as we was being supervised in the library and Miss Johnson was seemingly busy. Most likely in a meeting. This basically meant nobody in the class was doing a single thing so the whole two hours, Harper and I decided to discuss the upcoming dance for Halloween. Instead of using the computers to research whatever topic Miss Johnson had set. Harper thought it was a bright idea to look at costume ideas.

Looking at the matching costume ideas, we both came to the agreement of Devil and angel. Very cliché but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Harper practically begged for me to be the devil and suggested some time in a few weeks we go pick out the costumes. Obviously they are going to be slutty and very revealing but that's the best part about Halloween.

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