5 - The coffee shop

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"How is it going so far?" Her voice is muffled by the speaker on the bottom of my phone, firmly pressed against the blanket settled in my lap.

I nod softly, eyes wandering around the room before I note the raised eyebrow from my sister on the screen. "Normal," I tell her nonchalantly, picking up my mug from the coffee-table beside me.

"Come on, Y/n, you need to give me more than that." She scoffs, shuffling her position on the couch she's presumably sat on. "Did anything interesting happen?"

"Uh, I have a new history Professor?" I inform her uncertainly. "But you already knew that." My breath stammers in my throat, speech mumbled as my mind escapes elsewhere for a moment. "I don't know what you expect, college is college."

I watch her dramatically sigh, bored of our conversation already. I rack my brain for anything out of the ordinary that had occurred over the past few days, apart from the fact that I met the most popular girl group in a coffee shop days prior, but she doesn't need to know that. "I was invited to go out tomorrow."

She gasps audibly loud and I turn down the volume on my phone to the lowest setting possible, already irritated by her over enthusiasm for the smallest thing in my less than ordinary, boring life. "What, like a party?"

I chuckle lightly, dismissing her theories with a shake of my head. Her posture droops in disappointment and optimism diffuses out of her body at lightning speed. "No, just coffee." I hum, pausing for a brief moment to find myself chewing on my lower lip. "With Cady and a few of her friends who I think are my friends now, too."

"Oh that's good, what are they like?" I stand up from my seat, dropping my phone onto my bed for her to stare up at the celing.

"Very nice, actually. They've been very welcoming to me. Janis is amazing at art and Damian is so genuine." I down the remainder of my coffee, slip some shoes on and pick my phone back up.

"I should really get going now," I announce to her, running a brush through my tousled hair. "My history lecture starts soon and I can't be late again, did I tell you I was late on Monday?"

"No?" She almost exclaims, face edging closer to the camera. "You never tell me shit, what happened? Did you get in trouble?"

I softly laugh at her again, dismissing her eagerness with a shake of my head. "The professor wasn't even there."

"Text me soon, okay? I wanna know how the coffee goes." Her voice is gentle this time, an uncharacteristic calmness about her.


The soft breeze knives me, juxtaposing the blazing ball of fire burning my flesh as I pad along the cobbled footpath. The stroll to campus is short, lengthened out by the midday heat of late summer, angering my skin into a pink flush. I squint slightly, pulling my cap from my head as I enter the refreshingly cool building, only a few floors down from the history lecture hall.

My hands shoot up to my head, smoothing out my hair as I near the hall, glancing past the window in the door to inform me that no one is in there yet. Without a second thought, I test the door - open - and stealthily slip inside.

I find a seat at the back again, tugging out my notes from the last lecture a few days ago, skimming over the scrawly writing.

"You good?"


Her melodic tone washes over me and I suddenly feel like I'm drowning in the tilt of the concern caressing her sweet voice. When did she get in here? I swear it was completely empty a moment ago, perhaps she just snuck in really quietly, like a ninja or something.

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