12 - The office

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Training finishes with a gentle cool down, and we're dismissed several minutes early, much to most of our delight. I trundle into the locker room moments before everyone else, quickly heading to the showers to clean off and get changed. The water is cool against my aflame skin, a sense of relief in the midst of my aching bones.

When I exit roughly ten minutes later, Kate is lingering by my belongings. I offer her a small smile as I reach her, depositing various unneeded items on the bench and picking up my bag. "Did you want to grab some food?" Kate asks, her hair still in her neat ponytail but clothes changed.

"I would love to," I internally beam at her offer, until a nagging thought at the back of my mind has me frowning, "but first I need to quickly drop something off to someone, if that's okay?"

"Of course," she nods enthusiastically, meeting my pace as I begin to trudge toward the door, "lead the way."

I don't presume Regina will be in her office, because it is extremely early and we don't have History today. Upon reaching her door, I place my bag down, find the folder and begin to slide the paper underneath the door, until a voice calls out from inside. "Gretchen? Is that you?"

Shit, I think to myself, quickly gathering to my feet. I glance over at Kate who's leaning against the wall, submerged in her phone. "I'll be right back," I quietly tell her and receive a "no worries," in return.

I don't bother knocking, just cautiously push open the door and take a few steps inside. "Oh," she makes a recognisable sound, "Y/n, what a nice surprise." The more I ponder over it, I can't tell if it's sarcastic or not.

"Sorry, I was just returning your essay. I didn't think you'd be in here." Embarrassment creeps over my face, shuffling around the paper in my hands as I take a seat down in front of her. "It's good, great even, I wrote some notes on a separate page in case you just wanted to hand the original copy in." Fumbling, I reach out and hand over the pieces of paper, which she takes with an amused grin.

"Thank you," she says genuinely, focused as she flicks through the sheets and her eyes linger on the feedback I had given her. Nerves pulse through my veins at the possibility she might be irritated by my constructive criticism, although I'm pretty sure I managed to nail the wording of it (after attempting several times over) to reduce any likelihood that she could get even slightly offended. However, she did ask for my help.

Regina places the sheets down and turns her entire attention on me. "I was at your game last week," she states, as if pretending she didn't know that I know she was at the game. "You played very well." Her words are slow and soft, and I have to remove my gaze from staring at the way her eyes appear somewhat hooded. "Even though I had no idea what was going on." She laughs quietly to herself and my heart squeezes in my chest. "My friend Gretchen had to talk me through it. Her ex was a soccer jock or some shit."

When she laughs again I hate the way it makes me blush and speed up the pounding of my heart. I wipe my sweaty palms on my joggers. Her head tilts to one side in curiosity. "Are you nervous?"

I want to die. I don't say anything, I don't trust myself to say anything. So I don't. I just shift slightly in my seat, gulp down the bubbles of nerves in my throat and let my eyes flick over the desk.

"Do," Regina pauses, and suddenly a pink nail, the fingers garnished with several rings, is in my limited line of vision, tapping on the desk. A jolt shocks through me, eyes snapping up to hers to prevent myself from staring at her hands. "Do I make you nervous?"

My eyes widen. I'm definitely either daydreaming or hallucinating right now. She's wearing that cockily confident smirk, leaning back in her chair but not breaking eye contact. I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I'm saved anyway when the door is pushed open after a brisk knock.

"Gretchen," Regina snaps, the sudden loud volume has me jumping slightly. I turn my head at the new figure who had just entered the room, a look of horror quick to adorn her features.

"Sorry Regina!" She squeaks out, "I didn't know you had company, but I brought you a drink and" Gretchen starts rambling about various things I'm quick to tune out. Regina's arms are crossed I notice when I turn back to her, a scowl on her face as she shoots daggers at Gretchen's trembling frame.

I feel bad for her, so I quickly pick up my bag and begin to leave the room. "Sorry, I'm gonna go," I murmur and slip out of the door.

I'm barely out of the door frame when I hear Regina call out, "Y/n, wait," but by that point I've already decided to let the door swing shut behind me.

"Are you good? That sounded pretty heated in there." Kate lets out a small chuckle, concern laced in her eyes.

I force a smile and wipe away the confused look from my face. "Yeah, sorry, we can get going now."


"So I spoke to Kate at the game the other day," I start, tone remaining casual as I flick through the textbook laid out in front of me, "and I can confirm she is both single and into women." I nod, pleased with myself, before finally letting myself look up to gauge Janis' reaction.

"You did what?" Her voice is quiet yet sharp, leaning in across the table as her eyes widen in dread.

"Is that not what you wanted me to do?" Panic settles over me like a blazing fire. I frown, shifting so that my elbows are resting on the desk.

"Well, yeah?" Janis says, rather unsure. A light pink blush spreads over her cheeks and I can't help but smile. "But I didn't actually think you'd do it." I let silence settle over us as she digests the information, her cheeks a bright pink. Then her mouth presses into a small smile. "Thank you."

"It's no problem," although I refrain from telling her the reason why the topic of conversation came up between Kate and I, "I didn't tell her your name or anything like you said, but she seems eager to meet you."

Janis ducks her head slightly, tracing her pencil across her page. I watch her work, and get an even better view when she tilts the book toward me and continues sketching.

"So any updates on," she leans in even more and lowers her voice, eyes briefly flicking to mine in a mischievous grin, "Regina?"

I quickly scan our surroundings for any sign of her or her friends (or minions, as Janis calls them). Swallowing thickly and taking a deep breath, I slouch against the chair and gather my thoughts. Still feeling weird that she knows now, I ponder over whether to tell her or not. "She was at the game on Friday." I whisper bashfully.

The pencil dramatically falls from her grasp onto the page. Her lips part, eye bulge as she stares astounded at me. "No fucking way." Janis gasps. "She was? Did you see her, did she say anything to you?"

"No, I only saw her from the stands." I let the nerves fizzle down into nothingness in the pit of my stomach. "But I went to her office earlier to give back her essay and she brought it up, so I think that's a good sign?"

"You went to her office?" Janis is now on the edge of her seat, appearing to be vibrating with energy. Her hand reaches out to grasp my arm. "Spill."

I chuckle softly, eyes quickly darting around, "not much happened."

"Bullshit, come on." After shaking my arm persistently, she retreats it and awaits my answer.

"Well, at first she thought I was Gretchen, and then she thanked me for the feedback, and then brought up the game, and then Gretchen came in  and I sort of saw that as my cue to leave?" I tell her, eyes lingering on the desk as to not heighten my nerves.

"Dude," Janis scoffs, backhanding my arm, "you left?"

"Lesbians," Damian's rolling his eyes and I let my brain tick over when he entered the conversation as, from what Janis has told me, he hasn't 'stepped foot into a library in his entire life'. And suddenly, Cady's there too. She slips into the seat next to me and my heart begins to pound at the rising number of eyes suddenly on me.

"Bitch, do not pretend you aren't invested." Janis shoves him playfully, Damian lifting his hands in a mock surrender.

"So what happened at the game?" Damian leans in toward me. I delve into a reluctant brief overview of the events, choosing to skip over minor details.

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