chapter : 6

453 19 9

Xiao zhan 's pov :


These are the only emotions I am feeling for the last month.
Only because of one person.
My master - The Wang Yibo.

One thing I am most confused about is - what's my job here.
Everytime I try to do work the servants get panicked and request me to go. I asked Zhang also but his answers are vague also.
He says what I am doing, is my job.

How can only sitting and sleeping be a job?

Now I am again sitting beside master. He is having a conference with some black suited people.
And from time to time he is touching me. I can't even say no or he will cut my tongue. My body still shudders at the memory of that night.

They were discussing about some shipment, which i didn’t understand.
But the amount of time I spend with Master, i came to realise - he is filthy rich.

"Zhan, come here"
The body went on automode.
I, trembling , went to him.
He picked me up and put me on the table - all the board members went stiff. My mind stopped for a millisecond. What the hell is he doing?

He put his nose - in my neck, sniffing like a dog. Soon it became biting me.
Zhang, in the meantime, shouted-
Everyone lowered their gazes.
And started again like - i am not thriving in pain right in front of their nose.

I was crying in pain. But it was already a mess - i didn’t want to embarrass myself more, so i didn’t shout. I got the clear idea.
No one is going to help.
Everyone was busy - talking money, despite the show Master playing.

The torture has to end...
But how?



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I am trying to walk slowly.
As silent as possible.
But those cameras in every corner is making my nerves alert.

"You should not attempt that"
I got startled.
"Zhang what are you doing here?"
My breathing stopped for a moment.

"Come here"
I stilled.
Is he gonna complain to Master?
"Zhan?" he crooked his eyebrows.
I took slow steps.

Zhang took me to the white lotus pond area - one thing is noticed about this mansion. The whole garden area is divided into different types of flowers. Only the garden area is colorful other than that the whole house is dark.
And the darkest living thing is my Master.

Zhang stopped and signaled me to come forward. There is this canvas  and other painting stuff.
I looked at him with questioning gaze.
"What’s all this?"
"Your task" this man's face look so flat right now - i really want to kick him.
"I don’t understand. Be specific."
"You wanted to work - this is your assignment. Complete it in a week."
"I was never told that I would be doing art here?"
He just starred for few nanoseconds and then started walking.

He looked back -"how did you know i paint? i never mentioned in my cv"
He was stoic then his lips formed a smirk, "for your mental health i would perfer you don't question your surroundings, your life would be easy"
What the?!
The maniac..

He left me dumbfounded there.
I stood looking the pond, still.
There was a peace evolving the whole area. I don’t know why I feel like I have felt that moment before.
I was so engrossed in my 'task', I forgot the time.
After a guard motioned for me to go inside, I left that place - without wanting to leave.

At the dinner table :

Why is Master again hawking at me?
Can't he just eat?
And who the hell smokes at dinner table?
He gives this cold vibes. I don’t know what he thinks or what he wants from me. The way he gazes me, it pricks my skin.. All i want is to hide somewhere.

To his left there is the beautiful lady - from that day, but now the difference is, she is dressed elegantly.
But her bossoms her spilling out of that tight black babycon dress.
Everything about her - is elegant and slutty.  A rare combination.

Master called her, breaking my gaze.
I might have been eyeing for a long time.
"Yes, Sir"
Did he just tell her to leave?
And she did without asking why.

I felt intimidated, leaving here alone with him.
But my thoughts could not wander long, he did something unthinkable before that.
He slammed my head hard and harder on the glass table - making a crack.

I only felt warm in my head, nothing else. He clutched my hair,
"Two options :
    1 - i gauze your eyes out
     2 - i skin her alive
Which one?" he whispered.

I could not think properly.

"Tik...Tok... Time's running out"

All i felt is more warmness in my head and my vision was getting cut from time to time. I think something went inside my cornea.
I tried to touch his hand with my trembling shaky one but i could not even lift it.

"Ssshhttt.. Fine option 1"

With that he banged my head again,
Only for me to black out....

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