You should have told me

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It was just a normal evening in the dorms. Denki was still struggling with his homework while some of his friends sat there as moral support, playing games and hanging out around him to make him feel less alone.
"Someone just put me out of my misery" Denki groaned slaming his face dramatically into the textbook.
"Only if Kacchan kills me first." Midoriya smirked, leaning casually up against the wall.
Shinso snorted, "How would that even work?"
"I'd come back as a ghost, duh." Midoriya clarified, as if it were the only logical conclusion, "Rather die a hero than live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Fair enough, I guess." Shinso nodded, accepting Midoriya's usual bullshit at face value
Sero, never one to be left out on good tea, asked the million dollar question,"Why Bakugou?"
"Mix of irony and general preference." Midoriya explained casually, again as if it were the only logical conclusion, in typical Midoriya fashion. "We're practically family, and he's efficient" he continued, "He'd do it quickly, so I wouldn't have to suffer."
Shinso smirked, knowing the tea and looking to cause trouble, "Sounds like you've talked about this."
Bakugou entered the room with a grunt.
"We have. The nerd likes to have a plan for every possible scenario." He sighed.
"I'd choose him too, same reasons." He continued, "He's too kind; he'd struggle with the decision, but if it had to be done, he'd make it as gentle and painless as possible."
"How do you even start these conversations?" Kirishima snorted.
Midoriya shrugged, "Y'know how it goes, late night, can't sleep, we both happen to be awake."
"And Bakugou is okay with this?" Denki stated, dumbfounded.
Bakugou smirked, "Shit happens."

"Wait, but don't you go to bed at 8?" Kirishima asked, already sensing where this was going and hoping he was wrong. 
"Late night for him, early morning for me," Bakugou hummed.
Denki, not understanding the implications,  turned to Midoriya, "Wait, so when do you sleep?"
"Sleep? We don't know her."Midoriya cackled, like the feral chaos gremlin he is.
Shinso sighed, "With the amount of time you've spent in comas, that doesn't surprise me."
The air shifted after that. Something about the comment hit a nerve.
Midoriya spoke, tone flat and unwavering "Have you ever been in a coma?"
"No, I guess not." Shinso replied, sensing he had fucked up.
Denki didn't catch the hint, "I mean, how different can it be?"
"There are no dreams, no passage of time. You can't feel anything on the outside. You go under and you come back out, that's all there is to it." Midoriya explained, gaze off in the distance, mind a million miles away tethered only by the conversation at hand.
Kirishima, attempting to lighten the mood, shifted the focus, "Damn, so when Bakubro was crying and begging you to wake up after the war, you heard none of that?"
That brought Midoriya straight back down to earth.
"He did what?"He gasped, alarmed and worried and honestly just so many things at once he didn't even know how to begin to label them.
Bakugou's cheeks flushed a cherry red.
"Shut up, shitty hair" He snapped.
Kirishima persisted, "He was desperate, man. You really scared him."
Bakugou, who at this point was hardcore blushing, was seconds away from strangling his best friend "I said shut up!" He growled.
Midoriya hesitated searching Bakugou's eyes for any sort of lie, "Kacchan... is this true?"
Bakugou, reluctantly, admitted, "So what if it is? Huh? You gonna mock me for it?"
"No! Never!" Midoriya reassured him, "I just- It's a shock, is all. I didn't know you cared like that."
"Of course, I fucking care," Bakugou sighed " I took a serious hit for you, and you had to go and one up me with your stupid savior complex."
Midoriya started,"Kacchan, I-"
"When I woke up and you weren't there, what was I supposed to think?" Bakugou cried, " I tried so hard to save you, and you just had to go and get yourself killed! I just..."
"Kacchan?" Midoriya's tone was soft, understanding, and the slightest bit hesitant. He had never seen Katsuki like this.
"Can't you see that I love you dammit!" Bakugou confessed, "I love you, and I can't live without you! You've been in my life since day one. I'd be lost without you by my side. So yeah, I was fucking scared. Happy?"
"Kacchan," Midoriya whispered, searching for the right words " I never knew."
"Yeah, well, I did a pretty good job of hiding it until now." Bakugou grumbled.
Midoriya walked hesitantly towards Katsuki, slowly as if approaching a wild animal not wanting to spook him away. "Kacchan?"
Bakugou growled, "What do you want?"
Izuku placed a gentle hand on Katsuki's cheek. "I didn't mean to scare you, and I love you too. I always have."

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