Chat GPT- After Left Behind

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Hitoshi runs off on his own to process Midoriya's illness.
Bakugou and todoroki are screaming at mic because he lied to eri and they're scared and taking out their anger on him.
Mirio has already run off with eri. He knew shit was about to hit the fan so he left.

In the days leading up to the hospitalization, Mic had been sending Bakugou and Todoroki regular updates about Midoriya's condition, assuring them that everything was under control and that there was no need to worry. However, as they stood in the hospital room, staring at their weakened friend, their anger and frustration reached a boiling point.

"He lied to us!" Bakugou's voice was sharp and filled with venom. "He kept saying everything was fine, and now look at Midoriya!"

Todoroki's eyes burned with anger as well. "He made it seem like it was no big deal, but it is! Midoriya's in the hospital, and he's not okay!"

Mic's eyes filled with tears as he tried to defend himself. "I promise you, I didn't lie. Everything was fine until last night."

Bakugou's hands trembled with rage. "We don't believe you! You said he was doing well, and now he's like this!"

Todoroki's voice cracked with emotion. "We're his friends, damn it! We should have known the truth!"

Mic's voice wavered as he tried to explain himself. "I thought everything was fine, but then Midoriya suddenly got worse last night. It was so sudden, and I couldn't understand what was happening."

Bakugou's anger intensified, "We're a team, you idiot! We're supposed to face things together! How could you not see something was wrong?"

Todoroki's icy glare pierced through Mic's defenses. "We deserved to know the truth. Midoriya is our friend, and we should have been there for him."

Mic wiped away his tears, "I know, and I'm sorry. I thought everything was under control, and I didn't want to burden you both."

Bakugou's face flushed with frustration, "Damn right, you should have! We're not children, and we can handle the truth."

Todoroki's voice was filled with pain, "We care about Midoriya, and we want to be there for him. Don't shut us out."

The argument went on, with emotions running high and hurtful words exchanged. Bakugou and Todoroki were lashing out because they were scared, hurt, and frustrated at the situation. Mic's heart ached as he saw the pain in their eyes, knowing that he had let them down by not being more open with them.

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