Deku- Don't Meet Your Idols

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It's 6am and I can feel Kacchan staring daggers into me as I head out the door. I flinch as I hear him stand from his spot at the table. I start walking faster but he grabs my wrist, holding me in place. I wince remembering yesterday's relapse which has yet to properly heal thanks to Kacchan's new wrist grabbing fetish. I was running on adrenaline earlier this morning but now that I've had a chance to calm down I can definitely feel the sting of his coarse hands rubbing up against the newly formed scabs.
"Where do you think you're going?" He grunts.

So he actually meant what he said this morning... huh.. didn't see that one coming, but I guess it makes sense?
I don't know I'm still confused as fuck but I guess I'll just roll with it.
"To school? I'm meeting up with all might for some extra training."
My voice is a bit too flat and a bit too confident. Todoroki gives me a raised eyebrow of concern while Iida and Uraraka are giving me a proud thumbs up. Iida is proud of my "passion for learning" and Uraraka has been working on helping me build my confidence. Todoroki is the only one that realizes the apathy in my voice. I guess it makes sense, he's used to this after all. Based on what I know about endeavor it seems like we can relate a lot more than I'd like to admit.
Kacchan's grip on my wrist only tightens and I try to mask my pain, but I guess I do a poor job of it because I can see Todoroki's angered expression out of the corner of my eye. I can't help but feel a bit guilty about it. For the first time in my life I'm actually close to people and people care about me. All that effort for me to just go and die on them. Then again, it's not like they actually care about me anyway. I'm just a puppet. Someone else will come along to take my place and no one will even remember my name.
I don't matter.
It's easier to accept that than to get my hopes crushed again and again. Even as "the successor" I'm nothing more than a vessel. Anyone could do what I do. I'm not special. I was just gullible enough to be the willing sacrifice of the symbol of peace.

Speaking of the symbol of peace, I should really get going or I'll be forced to face another one of all might's "punishments" and it was hard enough to hide my bruises from the last one without Kacchan watching my every move.

I put my mask back on and bring back my usual sunshine persona.

"Kacchan, can you please let me go? I'm going to be late"

He scoffs, leans in close, and whispers, "I haven't seen you eat yet, want to try that again nerd?"
His voice is angry and intimidating yet somehow still considerate and soft. Something only the great Katsuki Bakugou could manage to pull off. While I don't appreciate all the unwanted attention, I do appreciate that he at least kept this between us.
I speak low so that only he can hear,
"Of course I did. I had something after our run while you were taking a shower."
It's not technically a lie. I did drink a glass of water, which is something. Thankfully he seems skeptical, but decides to let it slide. He reaches behind him, takes the wrist he still has a firm grip on, turns over my hand and passive aggressively presses something into the palm of my hand. I look down and see an apple.
"At least take this with you for after training.
He rolls his eyes as he lets me go. I wave goodbye to my classmates and bolt out the door, using one for all to make it to the training grounds as fast as possible.

Before I could even make it halfway I hear faint crying coming from an alleyway. My body moves on its own as I shift my course to go investigate.
There in the corner, cowering behind a dumpster is a little boy, no older than 3. He's clutching an all might figure to his chest trying his best to breathe. He's shaking, taking in huge breaths and exhaling stifled sobs. I cautiously approach him, doing my best to show him I mean no harm.

"Hey. Are you ok?"

"Mama," he sobbed. "I can't find my mama."

I speak softly, hoping to calm him down, and it works to an extent
"Don't worry, I'll help you find your mama."
He's violent sobs calm into shaky sniffles. I sit next to him giving him a little more time to calm down. I watch as he clings tightly onto the figurine. He reminds me of myself as a kid, back before it all went to shit. His quirk probably hasn't even manifested yet. I bet he wants to be a hero too.
"My name's deku, what's yours"
"Niko Akemi" he sniffles.
"Nice to meet you Akemi. So, you like all might too?"
His eyes light up
"He's only the coolest hero ever!"
I can't help but laugh as he starts fanboying over his favorite hero. I used to do the same thing. It's ironic really. I used to worship the ground all might walked on but now I don't know what to think anymore. I turn my attention back to the boy who has a huge grin slapped across his face

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