Deku WIP ch.5-6?

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A soft sweet voice calls to me from the hall, one all too familiar. Of course Ururaka would want to check up on me, how could I be so stupid, she's one of my best friends!

No, she doesn't care. No one cares about a useless deku like me. She probably just pities me. That's why she's here. She feels bad and checking on me is more a moral obligation in her mind than it is a genuine reaction to my absence.

I try to move but I'm still too weak to stand on my own. As I push myself up from the floor I find myself face planting yet again. I feel throbbing pain course through me as my whole body essentially goes limp. I must have made quite the ruckus because that timidly inviting voice immediately turns to one of panic as the door flies open, revealing what I can only assume must be the most pitiful sight of a useless deku lying face down on the floor, limbs sprawled out beneath me, looking more like a crime scene victim than a fearless successor to the legendary symbol of peace.

"Deku!" She screams as she runs to my side. Helping lift me from the floor. I can hear a distant crash in the kitchen followed shortly by a flustered Todoroki, a panicked Iida, and a concerned Tsu. Iida and Tsu must have come with her to check on me. I don't know how to feel about all the attention, the noise certainly doesn't help the ceaseless pounding in my head and while I appreciate their concern my vision is so blurry at this point I can barely make out their faces.

Time seems to warp in on itself. Everything seems to go by so fast it's dizzying.

Todoroki pulls a futon out of his wardrobe along with a few pillows and blankets, iida helps him set up the futon while Tsu drags me to the bed and ururaka floats a blanket above me, iida thourougly tucking me in, practically swaddling me in the blanket and todoroki sitting by my side to help me adjust.

It's like a fever dream... it might actually be a fever dream now that I think of it. This whole day could be an entire series of fever dreams that I'll just wake up from in the morning. My day has certainly been strange enough to classify it as a possible dream...

"Step aside friends, Dr. Iida has come to your aid."

It just gets weirder by the second. Damn, I must be really sick. Granted, this feels a bit different from any dream I've had in the past.. maybe it's not a dream?

"Now, todoroki please pass me my scalpel"

Any rational person would panic hearing this, but I'm to tired to care. My limbs are heavy and my vision is blurred. All I can see are shapes and colors. I'm not even sure this is reality. My senses are so dull I can barely feel my surroundings. All I feel is heat, an excruciating burning from within. My whole body aches and I can't move, but movement was limited from the start so that's not surprising.

"Touch Midoriya with this and I'll use it to dismember your corpse"

Wow todoroki sounds hot when he's protective like that. I must be dreaming because he would never care that much about me in real life right?

"Forgive me I misspoke, not the stabby thing, the heart beat one" Iida replied to a barrage of snickers coming from Uraraka and Tsu, who were at
Sending by as mere observers to the shit show that was Dr. Iida and Nurse Todoroki.... Or perhaps surgeon Iida would be more accurate?

I honestly wouldn't have minded if he had meant the scalpel. At this point I wish I could move enough to grab the scalpel myself and end my misery.

"This one?"
Todoroki sighs with a hint of sarcasm. His level headed tone expressed a slight annoyance that I never expected from him. He only acts like this when he's worried. He grows a bit impatient when he's nervous, but why is he nervous? It can't be me can it? I know we're friends but no one would ever dare to care about someone as worthless as me.
I can't see what he's holding, but judging by the distant snickers I hear from Ururaka it's definitely not what they're looking for.

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