Deku revised ch4

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The world around me feels colder than I'm used to. The ground is hard and smooth. If I had to take a guess I'd say tile or linoleum. My sight still fails to verify my theory. The comforting smell of caramel fills the air replacing the cold that once consumed me with a warm hand against my cheek. It's surprisingly gentle. I notice a wetness on my face and that's when it clicks. I'm crying. I try to open my eyes but I can't move.
I hear their words in a distant sense, though they feel far closer.
"Please Midoriya, you're scaring me"
"You better wake the fuck up shit nerd"
"Bakugou it's not working"

My eyes snap open as if on instinct.
The world is instantly bathed in a bright white light sending a shiver down my spine. I must have startled Todoroki because Kacchan's warmth was instantly replaced by a burst of ice. Through my blurry vision I can actually see the air leave my lungs with every exhale. As my eyes adjust I see blurs of red and white.
As the tears slow down I finally get a clearer image of exactly where I am. The first face I see is Todoroki's, though I didn't need to see him to verify that, his voice and touch gave it away.. not that I would know what his touch feels like, it's just exactly what I imagined it would be... not that I think of that often or anything! And even if I did it would be totally platonic right? That's a perfectly normal thing to imagine on a daily basis... shit I'm really glad I still can't speak because if I could I would be rambling and that would be super embarrassing and ugh why can't my mind just shut up for once! Anyway.. todoroki has me positioned in his lap and is looking down at me, concern written all over his face. Then I notice a second pair of eyes. Deep piercing rubies are staring straight into my soul, petrified. Katsuki Bakugou is panicking, looking at me like a ghost, a part of me actually wonders if I really am dead, but the immediate pain that follows shortly after betrays that theory. Everything hurts. My whole body is sore and my head is pounding. I stare up at todoroki once more and notice something strange. My vision is flickering on and off like a strobe light, one second crystal clear the next bathed in darkness. The pain is quick to follow. It feels like lightning under my skin starting with my head and moving it's way across my whole body.
I regain the ability to move for a brief moment reflexively curling in on myself, willing the pain to stop. As much as I'm enjoying using todoroki as a pillow I flinch away from him hoping to calm the agonizing pain that flows through my body. I feel as though I'm short circuiting, every muscle in my body has tensed up with its own sense of electricity. I feel as though I'm being torn apart from the inside out. I can barely hear a voice over the buzz of the energy surrounding me.
I cry out, my voice scratchy and broken but there nonetheless.
"K-Kacchan! Please! Help!"
He rushes to my side wrapping me in a warm hug trying his best to stop my body from spasming, pulling me close into his chest letting me bury my screams in his shoulder.
When the pain subsides I'm left exhausted with the phantom pain lingering like burnt popcorn. Hell at this point I feel like burnt popcorn. I have exploded and collapsed back in on myself. I allow myself to collapse fully into Kacchan, who is still gripping me tight, not daring to let go even for a second. I notice Todoroki's absence in the room shortly after and through what remains of my mangled voice I speak.
"Wher-e's t-odor-oki?"
Kacchan loosens his grip a bit, shifting me he can see me as he speaks.
"He left to get recovery girl. He should be back any second now just hang in there"

I try to speak but find myself lost in a daze. I'm trapped inside myself unable to interact with the world around me.
My shaky vision starts to blur and fade as I whimper, "k-Ka-c-Chan. I'm sc-scared."

"It's gonna be ok nerd just stay awake. Todoroki will be here any second now"
A wave of intense nausea hits and I can practically feel the ground beneath me spinning and the weight of the world crashing down on me, my breathing quick and shallow, desperately clinging to Kacchan with what little strength I had left.
My vision fades to black as I fight against the comforting allure of unconsciousness.
"Kacchan...I.. I can't-"
The last thing I hear before slipping back into the abyss is Kacchan screaming my name.

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