4/ rather not talk about it

Start from the beginning

"I know love, and I'm sorry. Let's get you home."I said and she nodded. We took the car this time because I wasn't really in the mood to ride my motorcycle. We made it to her house and I kissed her lips.

"See you tomorrow. Do you need a ride to school?"I asked and she shook her head. "I'll walk it's fine."She said and pecked my lips once more. Once she made her way to the door I got out of the driveway and back to my house where my mother who I don't want to talk to is there.

While walking back inside all my family well besides my older sister Doniya and my dad were sitting at the table eating pizza for dinner.

"She isn't allowed here. Understood Zayn?"Mum snapped at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"Perrie? She's so lovely! Yesterday when she came over she braided my hair an-"

"That Edwards was in our house yesterday?"Mum asked and I hit my head with my hand. This was going to be a horrible and long night.


Perrie POV

I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was him. No not 'him' as in Zayn. 'Him' as in my abusive father.

When Zayn gripped onto my hand a bit too tight it hurt and reminded me of how my father use to hurt me. Shocker right? You wouldn't think that a girl like me would get hit at home. When my mam found out that's when they divorced and we moved far away from him.

I grabbed my phone and stared at Zayn's contact number. Should I call him? Maybe he'll help me sleep! But then It's 2 in the morning. Fuck it where going to call him.

I pressed dial on his contact number and heard his phone ring for awhile that I didn't think he was going to pick up. I was about to hang up and just try to fall asleep until he answered.

"Mhm"He sounded tired and I felt guilty for waking him up.

"What's up love?"I heard his tired voice say and I just stayed quiet for awhile.

"Love, you there?"he said and I nodded even though he can't see me.

"Yea I'm here. Erm I can't really sleep."I admit and hear him sigh on the phone. You could hear the background noise sound like he was moving around his bed to try and get comfy.

"Is something wrong?"he asked with worry in his voice.

"No- wait yes. But I'd rather not talk about it. I just want to sleep but can't."I quietly said and closed my eyes but couldn't sleep.

"You sure? Sometimes when you talk about it, it'll help you sleep."he said getting me annoyed.

"Yes I'm sure! And I'm feeling better now so bye!"I snapped and hung up the phone. I felt bad. I just woke him up early in the morning to talk to him and I just snapped at him and hung up.

I still couldn't sleep but to make it worse Zayn kept calling me back. I'm such a bad girlfriend. He's the one calling to make sure I'm okay while I'm avoiding him. I turned my phone off so I didn't have to hear it ring for the rest of the night.

I probably moved to each side of the bed like a million times. I just couldn't sleep. My dad really traumatized me at a young age and I couldn't really trust anyone. I just don't know how I trusted Zayn so fast. I may not trust him with the 'abusing' things but I do with everything else. I'm just a little afraid how he will react if I tell him.

The whole night I couldn't sleep!

-next morning-

My head hurt as I heard my alarm clock. At least I think I got some sleep last night. Maybe an hour or two. I quickly shut it off and saw I head to start getting ready for school. This was definitely going to be a long tiring day.

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