Chapter 1-

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America woke up tired. He still felt wasted from the new years party he had gone to last night. '9:36AM' it read. America's eyes widened, "Fuck" he dragged himself out of bed and got ready. "Okay um... what am I forgetting!?" America ran to his messy room and got his phone which he had stupidly left in the charge. 

He ran down the staircase into his car and drove off not caring if he went over the speed limit. He was running late, later than he usually is. He reached the studio at 10:07 as he ran to his room he was greeted with his assistant, "Well guess who finally decided to show." Fiji said tapping her foot impatiently. "What I'm only 7 minutes later than I usually am." America said more like he was trying to convince himself. 

"Well that 7 minutes isn't going to cut it. We finally got a new lead for the movie and this is your first impression?" She askes as she shoves America a bunch of clothes to change into. "Ok ok jeez. " America said from across the changing room. 

As he walked out onto the stage the first thing he was greeted with was the director telling him that they were going to start shooting in the next 2 minutes. He looked at Fiji and gave a dorky smile before running onto the stage to meet up with his new partner. As he approached the country, he felt like he had seen this country before, 'But where?' America thought to himself. He tapped the country on the shoulders they were almost the same height and as the country turned around America was shocked to see his old friend... China! "America!" China said with a grin on his face, "So good to see you again!" He said as he pulled America in for a hug. America smiled as he hugged back at China. They hadn't met in quite a while with both of them having fairly busy schedules. When one was free the other wasn't. 

As they were about to start chatting the director shouted from her chair. "You 2 talk later we're 'bout to start shooting." Her voice was empowering yet gentle at the same time. "Lights! Camera! ACTION!" She shouted as they started acting. After they finished the first few scenes. The director gave everyone a 10 minute break. Hey, she was stubborn at times but she was at least kind. China and America sat at a resting area for the break and started talking. They talked about there personal lives, what happened to each other while they didn't meet. Then China asked, "Wanna meet up with our old gang at a cafe later?" America perked up and with a smug grin said, "Do I really?" China caught on and wrote down on a piece of paper that he had found the location.  "Meet us there at 2:30 in the evening?" China said handing the paper to America, he took it and nodded in agreement.

"Boys! What are you doing we're about to start!" Their director shouted as she sat down on her chair. "Sorry ma'am!" America shouted as he raced back to the stage. The acting went on until they were released at 1 'o' clock. China and America waved goodbye as Fiji impatiently waited for America to pay attention. "Ahem." Fiji finally said annoyed. "Oh, Sorry Coral." America said rubbing the back of his neck and using Fiji's nickname to hopefully not get a lecture on how chaotic he was and for once god felt pity and America didn't have to go through 35 minutes of torture. 

"As I was saying. You need to actually be early tomorrow because we have a interview of by the show behind-the-scenes." So actually be early tomorrow please." Fiji begged. "Sure" America shrugged as he got in his car. "Bye coral." He said as he started the car. "Bye." Fiji waved smiling brightly. The girl had a serious problem with mood swings. 

America jumped in excitement, the time was currently 2:10 PM. He  had gotten home and ate lunch. He quickly got changed and ran out of his penthouse. By the time he reached the time was 2:27 PM. He had reached 3 minutes early. 'That's a first' America thought to himself as he got out of the car. He saw 2 girls looking at America either because he was a country or because they were fangirls. He saw his friends waiting for him at the in front of the cafe door. He looked at the large group of them and excitement filled his body, this was going to be the first they had met all together since there college days.


So let me explain a bit about my story cause I didn't, the countries live with humans and if it's not obvious most of the group became actors. That's all <3

( °д°)つ Bye~bye

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