Chapter 13

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Okay by Chase Atlantic
Bloodline by Ariana Grande.
Enjoy reading!!!

I return to the castle after a short walk in the enchanting gardens of the palace, needing to clear my mind. So far, it has been beneficial, and I am eager to get back to my room as I am done for the day. However, as I step back inside, there is a palpable shift in the atmosphere. Earlier, I had noticed a line of cars stopping at the entrance, making me wonder what was going on. Now, the castle seems abuzz with activity, maids and workers walking around in hurried footsteps and a sense of urgency in the air.

It seems like the castle has received guests, and I wonder who they are. I glance around, contemplating who to approach for information, but the busy figures ignore my curiosity. Shrugging, I walk to my room, not wanting to disturb anyone. I hadn't seen Marcus all day, and a part of me had wondered if it was a good or bad development. Regardless, I'm glad he's keeping his distance from me. I don't want to overcomplicate things the way they are right now.

Back in the safety of my room, I close the door and head to the window, sitting down and looking out and watching as more cars and guests roll by. I watch them as the castle becomes busy, gentle music wafting through the air and more guards patrolling the area. They must be having a party of some sort. Should I go check it out? It wouldn't hurt to sneak around.

I chuckle to myself, the thought sounding silly to me. I'm not even invited and besides, I wouldn't fit in. I'm still contemplating this when a knock comes on my door, interrupting me. Before I even get to reply, it pushes open, and Reina walks in with a couple of maids behind her, carefully wheeling in a line of elegant dresses. Her eyes brighten as she greets me, and I can't help but return the smile. She was also dressed up as well, and I have to admit, she looked absolutely stunning, her long blonde hair braided and flowing over her shoulders, her blue eyes bright and enchanting. She looked just like the princess she is.

I move away from the window, immediately greeting her. "Good evening, your highness. What brings you here? Is there a problem?"

Reina's eyes sparkle with excitement as she gently shakes her head. "None at all. I just wanted to invite you to the ball going on right now."

"Oh, it's a ball?" I've never been to any of those. "What's it for?" I ask, my curiosity bubbling over.

"My parents are around, and it's a way of welcoming. You know, royalty things. Also, they'll be finalizing the wedding preparations so there would be here for a while. There are also going to be some influential people present as well. It just didn't sit well with me to leave you here," she added quickly.

I immediately shake my head, taken aback. "Oh, but I honestly don't mind at all," I say, feeling flustered, but Reina isn't listening as she continues speaking, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Which is why I decided to invite you." She gestures towards the dresses. "These are for you. Pick the one you like and come down to the ball. I'm sure there would be one that'll fit."

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