Chapter 11

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Fire on Fire- Sam Smith.
Enjoy reading!

Leaving Marcus in the grand hall, I hurry to my new workspace, eager to lose myself in the comforting rhythm of sewing. Blocking all thoughts of Marcus away from my mind, I busy myself with creating Reina's wedding dress. For hours, I work my ass of the soft fabrics whispering under my fingers as I stitch, the wedding dress slowly taking shape. Time slips away, and before I know it, the room is dark, and my stomach rumbles with hunger.

Forcing myself to step away from my work in progress, I let out a weary sigh, stretching my stiff muscles. A small smile hits my lips when I see how beautiful it looks. Although I have made good progress, there's still a lot to do before it becomes finished. The thought of food had faded in the face of my determination to finish the dress, and I don't know if I can get anything now since it's so late. Yawning loudly, I decide to retire to bed. I clean up all of my materials and quietly step out of the office and amble to my room.

The castle is silent, with just the sounds of my footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. Being cautious, I get to my room, quietly open the door, and walk in, heading straight to the bed and plopping on it. I lay there for a while before sluggishly taking off my clothes, wearing my nightdress, and settling to sleep. I am exhausted, but sleep still eludes me, and I find myself tossing and turning, my mind restless. When I finally fall asleep, I'm haunted by dreams of Marcus and our time at the island. I jerk awake with a gasp, my heart racing. Groaning quietly, I palm my face with my hands. I can't believe he came to haunt me in my sleep. No matter how hard I try, I just can't shake him off. It's so annoying.

"But it was also the most beautiful time of your life," a voice says, and I sigh, letting my mind drift to the much simpler times. Indeed it was, the time when it was just the two of us. But that is gone now. So, why am I still thinking about him? Is it because he's so charming? I wonder to myself. No answers were forthcoming, so I just give up, trying to get back to sleep.

When sleep isn't forthcoming and my stomach wouldn't stop growling, I decide to go on a walk to clear my head. Slipping out of bed, I drape a coat around my nightgown, heading out to take a solitary walk through the silent halls of the castle. Guided by the moonlight and the dim lighting left on to illuminate the corridors, I take my time to admire the scene, feeling my head clear out, peacefulness washing over me.

Just then, my stomach chooses it as the perfect time to growl again, and I am reminded of how hungry I am. I stop in my tracks, looking around. I don't know where the kitchen is, but it wouldn't hurt to look around, right? Taking a deep breath, I begin my quest, searching for the kitchen. As I turn a corner, I come face to face with Marcus, almost colliding into him. Oh come on, anyone but him!

"Oh..." We mutter at the same time, trailing off. His unexpected presence startles me, and I stumble over my words, unsure of what to say.

"Sophie," Marcus's voice breaks the silence, and I look up at him, the whole situation feeling incredibly awkward. "What brings you out at this hour?"

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