|| 3. Paradox ||

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I never claimed to be a patient man, nor have I ever praised my limitless control over my emotions.

This small, petite, easily breakable, cunning, wolf in sheep's clothing woman thinks she's better than everyone else?!

I have been through worse humiliations of my life and truth be told, this shouldn't be a big problem for me, but it is.

Maybe cause she's the one who's doing this to me for no reason.

I thought I was winning the argument and maybe I shouldn't have celebrated my victory too early.

This, devil of a woman, made me go down on my knees and hold her heels while she played the piano like an angel.

She had talent, that was for sure, but what infuriated me the most was, why did she come to a party if she wasnt going to go outside with her friends?

Can we even call those people her friends?

An insecure lover boy, a scared desperate girl, an addict, a delusional woman and don't even get me started on that stupid cringy pickup liner.

If she liked playing piano so much, just tell your brother.

I am pretty sure that dude is capable of buying the most expensive piano he can find.

Why hide in a room and play quietly?


This is why she infuriates me.

Ever since I have started working here, she infuriates me.

Ever since I have entered her house, I have observed her behaviour and understood one thing well.

She's a living paradox.

Hates her stalker, but hasn't stopped posting on social media.

Doesn't spend time in party with her friends, but will fight with her most dearest Bhabhi for coming here.

Gets furious by my words, but doesn't give up.

What kind of a puzzle are you, Vishwa Joshi?

After a few hours of constant playing, experimenting some new combinations, she looked up.

Her grey eyes screamed danger.

Her grey skies told me there was yet another storm ready to come.

"Put my heels on." This time I wasn't that angry.

I don't know why I was in the first time.

I have been made to do worse things than putting a girl's heels on.

When I bent down and put her feet in her shoes again, I accidentally noticed her dress hiking up a little.

She flinched and pulled her dress down.

I wasn't bothered though.

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