Chapter Eighteen

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We pulled up to the tall gates and for some reason I felt nervous. It's just Alex. Well now I can meet his sister. I tried my best to thinking positively while my dad rolled down the window.

"push the button" he said and I did as told. I was shocked when a slightly deeper voice spoke.
OK not Alex nor Elijah.
"hey furious, it's doughboy" my dad spoke and in reply the voice laughed excitedly. I looked at him confused. "big fan of boys n the hood" he explained and I gave him that same look. "it came out in the 90s" he added and I smiled as if I knew but he knew I did not cause he just shook his head and drove in.

We walked up to the door together and I glanced at my dad. Why is he walking with me? I mean it's not like he's staying for dinner too.
Not that I don't love you dad but it'll be kinda awkward. Since he invited me
"talk" he ordered and and my heart pounced at the sudden sound. My fingers played with the hem of my dress as I refused to look my father in the eyes. "are you staying?" I swollowed
"I know Apollo and I doubt his sons are any different. But no I'm just going to have a word with him." he informed me. That can't be good.

The door swung open and I must say their mother played no role in their genes.

Think of Apollo as Alex's dashing smile and bright mischievous eyes, with Elijah's height and neat longish hair. The build well he was taller than me and he looked about 2 or three inches shorter than the boys.

He gave my father one of those hug - hand-shake things guys do. They smiled and greeted, you know the usual thing you do with friends. His eyes then landed on me. The air around us dropped about 10 degrees and goosebumps counted my skin. His smiled dropped and that joyfilled look in his eyes chipped away slowly before coming back in full force. He gave me a bright smile and extended a hand.
Hesitant but I took it and gave him a nervous smile. "damn bro the only thing you did was change her eye colour" Mr Brooks commented and was gifted with an eye roll from my dad. He seems to be giving those to everyone today.

"thanks I appreciate it with all my heart" my dad said sarcastically placing a hand on his chest.
"don't be like than man we'll be in-laws in future" Apollo said and placed a hand on my dad's shoulder. Delusional, thats where Alex gets it. Although he only had good intentions and seemed like a chill guy my father didn't appreciate that statement.

A glint of emotion appeared in my dad's eyes but it was unrecognizable. It disappeared immediately after he let out a laugh. "you forgot your sons need my permission" my dad smiled and patted Apollo's shoulder "good luck getting that" my dad said forcing a smile. I'm guessing my dad was the Hunter in their group,Apollo was the Alex and Hunter's dad could be the Elijah.

"you say it as if history's going to repeat itself." Apollo laughed. Pain shot across my father's face. Like he was just stabbed through the heart. Remember how the temperature dropped earlier it went into the minus. Tension filled the air like oxygen.

"speaking of history how's it feel having my leftovers" my father said smirking before turning around to descend the stairs. All playfulness and friendly play left along with him. That was no cool dad. How-what kind of fucked up friend are you?

Mr Brooks stiffened in his place, fist clenched and jaw ticking. "and I thought you changed" my father ignored Apollo and just left. OK so what the hell happened between them cause I don't think that was the entire story.

I turned to Apollo and opened my mouth to speak. "no I'm not retelling a story that should be left untold" he said opening the door to let me in. He gave me a warm smile and I just followed in.

"I'd give you a tour but I'm guessing the boys did that already." he said and I just nodded behind him. I remained quite because well this is not my house and I only speak when I'm completely comfortable with the place or person.
Accept for Hunter he's just a dipshit that needs to be annoyed on a daily bases. You know make sure he knows his place.

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