Chapter Nineteen

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I waved to Alex as he pulled out of my driveway. We had to bribe Addy not to say anything to his parents and after a good 30 minutes we got her on board by asking Hunter to convince her. We also had to explain to his mom how I "fell" into the pool and Alex saved me . But it's all good she believed us after so now I get a nice pair of grey sweats and a warm cozy hoodie from Alex's closet.
It smells like him so much.

We didn't speak about the kiss and I'm glad we didn't because just touching him after getting out of the pool sent my heart into a frenzy. His soft lips. Ooohhhh~they felt so good. It's like his touch unlocked a new craving my body desires. Even a light graze of our skin or clothes made me crimson.

I calmed myself down before entering the house. The lights from the kitchen blessing me with enough light to see and make my way upstairs. But when I took another step into the house,my eyes grey with horror as I took in the sight before me. My breath hitched and I slowly backed away. "Isa" he said meeting my gaze. Jade eyes.

Adrien Harper

I can't stand it. Why would she go for the Brooks of all people? Or even go for one of my friends kids? Then again I can't blame her it's my fault she doesn't know and I have no doubt they'll tell her the full story. Well not that Melodie hasn't already told them about my character on high-school and University.

I'm exhausted, but glad that it was my parents and not hers. If they came they'd take Audrey away from me. I shouldn't have cheated but I got Audrey a friend out if it. I'm sorry.
My love what do I do?

To this day even the slightest thing reminds me of you. The breeze, reminds me of that time at the beach when we ended up running after the umbrella and the sun reminds me of our afternoons where we'd lunch outside while you read.

Audrey loves reading. She's a lot like you. When I see her I feel like that whole accident was a dream and your right here with me but then her eyes remind me of the ocean that devides us. The vast waters that never seem to drift me in the right direction.

A sigh left my lips and I lifted my head off the steering. I'd been sitting in front of my house for the past hour and a half and the sun had long gone. Now replaced with the thing I hated but used to love. The night sky.
My head fell back to the steering. My mind spiraling back to my love. My heart racing as it replayed the accident over and over, pain unraveling again. My mind drifted so far that I hadn't realized I was asleep until a knock on my window drew me out of my slumber.

My head shot up, vision foggy. Squinting I made out who it was. Isaiah Barret. The only one of my friends kids I'd actually become close with. He's like the son I never had. When ever he came into the office to see his dad he'd drop by and say 'hi 'or we'd go to the bar for a drink and sit for hours talking about our first loves.
It was like therapy but better. We had similar experiences but not the same ending. His love was still there while mine, I knew where she was but I didn't like it.

I opened my door and he stepped back. "you look like you need a drink old man" he said holding up a bottle of Macallan Whisky. That is one of the most expensive whiskeys money could buy with a bottle alone standing at 1,5 million. Why am I not surprised, he's one of the world's greatest lawyers and his dad owns a billion dollar company.

I gave him a lazy smile. "maybe I do son maybe i do " I replied patting his shoulder. Isaiah has become one of my best friends.
He let our a laugh.

We sat at the kitchen island and he poured us a glass each.
"rough day?" he asked and I shook my head. "nope Audrey's meeting up with the Brooks for dinner" I answered. His glass froze midway before he took another sip.
"and I have a bad feeling about it. I can't help but think of the Brooks boys as party animals like their father or fucking whores like their mother?" I said and downed the drink allowing the amber liquid to burn some of my anger and irritation.
"you're frien-" I cut him off.
"ex-friends. I don't talk to them because they had something to do with Marie being drunk" an unsettling feeling grew in my chest at the mention of her name.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 10 ⏰

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