chapter thirteen

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I woke up early this morning. I know it's weekend but this morning I just felt like sitting under the tree with my book. I'm still on the same chapter I left off on when I first arrived at Hazelwood. Things have been so busy that I couldn't find time to read.

The atmosphere at home just hits different its calming and relaxing unlike the chaotic one the school holds. Here I can just sit in silence and ponder about random things like- " Audrey!" And there goes my silence. " Garden!" I yelled back.

Iris can rushing out with two outfits in hand and stood before me. I closed my book and looked at her with a cocked brow. " what looks better?" She asked " what is this for?" I asked dryly. She rolled her eyes. " I'm going out today remember?" She said " oh yeah" I said in annoyance.

"Audrey " she said waving the clothes infront of me. On one hanger she had a pair of denim shorts , a white tshirt and a long baby blue cardigan, the other had a  pink paradise puff sleeve dress with a corset  bodice. I contemplated between the two then finally pointed to the first hanger " I like that one, plus that's my dress" I said and she let out a nervous chuckle. " I'll put that back" she said with a smile and I glared at her " you better" I warned.

After that she ran in and I looked at the time. Nine thirty. I should get dressed and pick up Alex and that friend of his.

I then fished my phone out of my pajamas pocket and went to his chat.

Bring swim shorts- I texted and he replied with a thumbs up.


After gathering everything I might need  I jogged down the stairs with my bag and sun glasses in hand. I saw my dad standing leaning against the counter with mug in hand " no alcohol and n-" I cut my dad off as I past him. " no parties got it. I'm only going to the beach!" I yelled grabbing the car keys. " dont I get a hug or are you and your sister too old for that?" He asked and i could hear the humor behind his voice.

I quickly ran back and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. " bye dad" i said. I glanced behind him and saw some muffins behind him. I'm guessing Iris baked. I grabbed one from the table and ran out.

I'm not good at baking. I always manage to burn the cake or bread. But when it comes to cooking I am spot on. I tried to make dinner when dad was working night shift. Then it was just Iris and I. We would sleep over in eachother rooms and have a full on gossip session, paint our nails then head to bed. Sometimes we would invite makenzie to join us. We still are suspect of liam even if he says that he's  'gay'.

Speaking of Kenzey, I wonder how she's doing and Liam. We haven't texted lately. We would normally text like every night and fall asleep on Call.

I fished my phone out once again and started a group call. I walked into the garage as the call connected.

When it finally did I opened the car door and got in. " HI!!!!" Kenzey's voiced boomed through the phone and I laughed. " hi kenz" I said " hey guys how are y'all doing?" Liam asked " I'm doing good I just missed you guys so much" I said causing makenzie to 'aw'. " really? I thought you were to busy spending time with your rich people friends " liam said annoyadly with a scoff.

I rolled my eyes. I know they can't see me. " well I dont have any- that's a lie" I said immediately when Alex and Elijah came to mind. " oh~ who is he?" Makenzie asked " it's not like that he's a player and his brother is seeing someone." I informed " so my question is why does your mind think of him first though?" Liam asked. " what do you mean?" I asked clueless. " he means when we asked you , you mentioned him first and then the other as HIS  brother. Why not the brother first huh?" Kenzey teased. And that's how my phone call went on the way to his- Alex's house. They teased me about it and pleaded for me tell them his name. I didn't give in though.

When I pulled up at the house gates to Alex and Elijah's house. I said bye to Kenzey and Liam and ended the call. I pulled into the drive way and pressed the speaker button by the gates.

I head snickering " sorry we dont want to buy cookies" Alex's voice spoke from the speaker and my mouth went from a soft smile to a flat line. I'm stuck with him for the rest of the day. I sighed " Alex" I said softly " DO I LOOK LIKE I SELL FUCKING COOKIES!" I yelled. " sheesh cant you take a joke" he said playfully. The gates then opened and I drove in. That was a very dry joke, how do girls fall for that?.

I pulled up infront of the door and Elijah rushed out. " Hey audrey " he said with a nod before climbing into- oh damn that's a nice car. " nice car"  i said and he thanked me before pulling out of the driveway.

His front yard had a brick layed floor with a water fountain in the center between the steps to the door and the driveway leading to the gates. His house was huge as in 3 story's huge. The walls were face brick at the bottom with beige walls. There were two pillars in front of the entrance of the door and a very fancy door at that.

The door then opened again and Alex came out. He bent over slightly and gestured for me to enter. I rolled my eyes and walked up the steps and inside.

He led me to the living room. His house was well decorated with loads of family pictures of the two of them and I must say they look nothing like their mother. Her genes played no role but their younger sister is like a miniature of her mother.

" your sisters cute" I mentioned and he smirked. " of course look at her brother" he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and continued to the living room.

I paused. Hunter sat with a scowl on the couch as he scrolled through his phone. He looked up and I glared. He held eye contact for a minute before looking at Alex. " I thought you said the girl  was pretty?" Hunter asked alex . My jaw dropped. " oh and I thought you said your plus one was good looking" I said to alex . I know he didn't but I have to be fair here. " I didn't - " hunter cut alex off. " I'm not the ugliest in the room " he said looking at me I then looked at alex. " you really want him to join after he called you ugly" I asked alex. Alex opened his mouth to speak but hunter beat him to it. " I was calling your face ugly" Hunter said with a scoff. " my face isn't, but your personality is" I said with a smirk and he stayed silent.

" do we have to bring him?" I whisped to Alex " I'm sitting right here" hunter said not looking up from his phone. " shut up" I said " oh so you want me to teach you how ?" He said. I dont talk a lot dipshit.

I looked at Alex and silently pleaded. He smiled " let's go to the Arcade peeps!" He yelled walking out of the livingroom. I took one more glance at hunter only to find him staring at me. I gave him the finger before following Alex.

We all got in the car and buckled up. Alex beside me and hunter in the back. I started the car and realized. " shit" I said and Alex looked at me. " what?" He asked " I forgot my bag" I said and Hunter scoffed " of course you did" hunter said and I glared at him through the mirror. " as long as you are in this car if you dont have anything nice to say then shut your pie whole" I said and he rolled his eyes.

" so I get to see your house after all" alex said wiggling his brows. " I should have gone with iris" I said and pulled out of the driveway. " who's that she has a nice name?" Alex asked. " she wouldn't waste her  fucking time on you that's who" I said knowing damn well why he's interested. " is that your sister ?" Alex asked " yes and she's on a date" I informed becausehe is probably wondering why she isn't here after i said she would be. " she must be miserable being related to you " hunter mumbled but I heard " being a dick wont make yours bigger" I said and he mumbled one more thing under his breath but I couldnt here it.

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