Chapter VIV

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"Wake up! Wake up!" I wake up and hear the voice of Claudius Templesmith. "Today is the day, the day of the big feast! At 1 pm, that's in about 5 hours, the feast will appear at the cornucopia. Be sure to be there!" Claudius says.

"Should we go?" Caldon asks.
"Ofcourse we are going!" Meadow replies.
"But," I say. "What if one of us gets killed?
Caldon jumps up. "Meadow, do you even have a wapon you can handle well?"
"Uhh, unfortunately not." Meadow says.
"Then I suggest that you stay here." Caldon says.
"But what if she gets killed in the time we aren't here?" I ask.
"I won't," Meadow says. "Trust me."
"Alright.., let's go prepare then." I jump up and pack my backpack. I give Meadow some extra food.
"We can get something at the feast, you will need it. Take it Meadow."

It's 1pm, time to go.
"Meadow, be sure not to go too close to the feast. I don't want to lose you." I say while I give her a hug.
"Take care." Caldon says.

Caldon and I are waiting in the bushes right at the cornucopia. All the tributes are waiting for the big feast. The second the ground opens, all the tributes run to the cornucopia.

"Come Lerena! Run!" I hear Caldon shouting.
"I'm coming!" I shout back.
While I'm running to the cornucopia, I hear the boy from 1 running behind me with a spear in his arm. The moment I want to run the other way, the spear spieces my arm. The moment I look, I almost faint. The spear removed a whole piece of my skin, you can almost see my bone.
"Lerena, are you alright?" I hear Caldon screaming.
"No! But run!" I reply.

"AAAA" I hear somewhere at the cornucopia, it's the voice of Caldon. "My leg!"
I run to him, trying to protect him from the other tributes. While I kneel next to him, I see the boy from 1 running toward us.
I take my bow and shoot him, right in his heart. My first kill. I don't know how to react. I don't wanna kill someone, but I also don't wanna lose Caldon.
There's another tribute coming, the girl from 3. I also try to shoot her, not in the heart, but I hit her arm.
"We need to go!" I say to Caldon. I get him up and take him to the forest. He can barely walk.

"Is it okay for you if I leave you here so I can find Meadow?" I ask him.
"Yes, that's alright. But be careful." He replies.
The second I want to walk away to find Meadow, I see a white parachute coming down. My first sponsor!
"We have a sponsor I see." Caldon says, I can see the pain in his face.
"I'm curious what it is." I say. "Maybe something for your leg or for my arm.."
Caldon opens it, there's a little box in it. We open it and I see the gift from my first sponsor. It's a dozen pills. Probably painkillers. Caldon and I both take one pill, the pain in my arm goes away directly.

"Oh wow.." I whisper. "Thank you sponsor.."

I leave to search for my friend Meadow. I think I've been walking for 1,5 hours now, and I still didn't find her.
"Lerena!" I hear. I'm panicking, that's the voice of Meadow. And it has so much pain in it. I run to the voice, it keeps screaming. "Lerena! Lerena!" I hear.

I almost burst into tears, but I can just contain myself, but I can't anymore when I see Meadow's body lying on the ground. Mockingjays scream around her. "Lerena! Lerena! Lerena!"
It wasn't Meadow, it were the mockingjays, the mockingjays are repeating her last word before she died. Lerena.

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