Chapter VI

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"Let the 13th Hungergames begin!"

Im standing on my platform, I hear the voice of Claudius Templesmith. I turn around to see the arena. I have 60 seconds to look around me.

In the middle, there's the cornucopia, around it is a big place with thousands of stones, big ones, small ones, etc. At the left of me, there's a pine forest. At the right, is see caves with waterfalls. The sky is blue, without any clouds. I hear birds and insects all around me.

30 seconds.

I take a look at the cornucopia, I see some food, but also many weapons. I see a bow, and I know it's meant for me. There's also a small backpack 30 meters from where I am. I'm going to try to get that one too.

15 seconds.

I know I need to decide what I'm gonna do.
I can't see Meadow, she's probably at the other side of the cornucopia.
I decide to get my bow and the backpack first, and I want to go to the forest to search for a shelter for the night.

7 seconds.

I go stand in the right position to run to the cornucopia.


I jump off my platform and I sprint to the backpack.
I'm at the backpack at the same time as the girl from 9, we fight both to get the backpack. Then she falls to the ground, I see the spear in her back. I take the backpack and run to the bow. The same time I get it, I see the boy from 1 running to me with a knife, ready to fight. I take an arrow and shoot, not in his heart, but I hit his arm and that gives me time to run away.

There's a guy chasing me, and I run as fast as I can. He has a machete, and he's trying to kill me now. I look behind me to see how much time I have, at the same time, there's a big stone in front of me, I don't see it and I trip over it. I cut open my entire face and arm, it hurts but I continue running. I don't wanna get killed. I run into the woods until I don't see any tributes anymore, I continue walking and at the same time I explore the inside of my backpack. It has a rope in it, some dried fruit, a sleeping bag, a water bottle that's has a little bit water in it. Not enough to survive, so I need to find something with water. My backpack also has a sharp knife in it, perfect to clean animals.

Sorry for this short chapter!! I don't have much time so idk when the next chapter comes. Be sure to leave a comment and maybe a vote :)

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