Chapter VII

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I think its around 5 p.m. Right now, I'm still walking through the forest. I still haven't found a shelter for the night, I keep walking until I see a big willow tree. It has perfect branches to hide. I climb in the tree and search for a good branching to rest for the night.
I explore my backpack a bit more and take the rope out, I knot the rope around myself and the branch so I don't fall out of the willow tree. I eat a dried pear and drink a little bit from my water bottle. I lay in my sleeping bag until the fallen tributes gets projected at the sky.

The first one is the boy from 5. That means that all the career tributes survived. Then both of the tributes from district 6 get projected. The girl from 7 and the both tributes from 8 did also die today. I see the girl from 11 and both of the tributes from 12.
I'm happy, Meadow and Caldon did survive today. And now they see that I also survived. I hope they have a shelter to hide and rest for the night, I promise myself that I'll search for them tomorrow..

I wake up and the first thing I hear is a mockingjay. The sweet, calm music fills my ears, it's wonderful.
The music gets interrupted by a loud scream, it's a girl. I run to the voice, I don't even know who it is, but that isn't important, I need to help her. I keep running to the voice that gets more and more painful. Finally, I'm there. I see the girl from 5. Its Lenny. She lays on the ground with a knife in her leg. You can see the bone from 20 meters away, I scream. I don't wanna see this, but I need to help this girl.

"Help! Help! Please it hurts so bad." The girl sees me. "Help me, please.." her voice becomes weaker and weaker. She don't have much time left.
I run to her. "I'm here, I will help you." I say to the girl. She's young, very young. I think she's around my age, maybe a bit older. "Please..." her breathing becomes weaker. I kneel next to her, place her head on my knees and I say it's going to be okay.

Her eyes close, and the last thing I hear is a soft thank you before she takes her last breath and dies.

I don't even know this girl, I only know her name, but I feel a tear rolling down my cheeks. I pick some dandelions from a field 10 meters away from me and braid them through her blonde, long hair.

When she arrives home now, her hair is braided with pretty flowers.

Again very sorry for the short chapter again! I don't have much time these days and my motivation is also a bit gone, I hope y'all like it! <3

-xx Aspen

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