Safe and sound

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Trigger warnings:
Blood, toxic relationship, sexual assault, knife.
(Happy ending)

Minho wants to get out of this hell, and managed to go to his best friend's house.

No one's pov:
Minho stormed in to his bedroom going to the big body mirror in the corner. Looking at himself, his bare chest filled with hickeys "AHHHH, FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" Throwing his fist at the mirror, shattering it to many pieces "FUCKING PATHETIC" he shouted again pushing over the mirror so there is no chance at looking at himself.

"Minho~" he heard the venomous voice of his girlfriend "come on~ you know you want to~" she walked closer, making Minho walk backwards, stepping in the glass but couldn't feel the pain. He stopped by the wall hitting his back. The woman pressing herself up against him "p-please don't do this" Minho pleaded "aww, why not~" she said while pouting her lips, gliding her hand against Minho's chest, "please stop" he tried to push her hand away while having tears in his eyes.

He was trying to fight against her, but she didn't budge. She got on her knees trying to unbuckle his belt, "I'm begging you! please stop!" Minho tried to get out only to feel a sharp pain in his leg, he looked down to see her holding a knife against his thigh, seeing blood rolling down his leg "Minho baby~ stop fighting against me~" as she was about to stand up, Minho threw a punch at her, making her fall back, Minho saw that as an opportunity to run, "get back here you little bitch!" He heard her shout as he ran towards the front door. Minho frantically trying to unlock the door while he heard the woman's steps getting closer.

He finally got it unlocked, and rushed out of the house and ran down the streets hearing: "you can't escape from me Minho!" Shouted by the crazy lady.

Minho ran as far as he could, until he quickly turned to a familiar house he as known for so long. Jisung his best friend since childhood. they haven't seen each other for a while because Minho's now ex girlfriend locked him up.

He walked up to the door, trying his best to knock. He really hoped Jisung was up since it was past midnight. To his luck a tired looking Jisung answered "what d- Minho! Are you okay!" As soon as Jisung said that, Minho threw himself at his friend sobbing. The younger being speechless, he just wrapped his arms around the older. Since they still stood in the door way the younger gently started walking backwards then shut the door. Minho then suddenly fell, Jisung was surprised, a lot was going since he just woke up, he looked down, seeing the older's state: blood coming from his thigh and feet, his hands being bruised. He didn't look too good. The younger crouched down "Minho, get on my back I'm taking you to my bedroom"  he turned so the older could get on his back.

After picking up Minho, Jisung then walked to the bedroom setting Minho down on the bed. He was still sobbing, so the younger sat down beside him. hugging him.
Minho cried into Jisung's shoulder, clinging onto him again, not wanting him to leave. After a while Minho stopped and only sniffs could be heard, "what happened?" The younger finally decided to break the silence "s-she's was a p-psychopath" Minho hiccuped feeling like panicking again. The younger took a hold of his face making the older look at him "breathe Minnie" he said in a soft voice as to not startled the older.

After he calmed down again, Jisung began treating all the wounds and cuts. After he was done he helped Minho change into some more comfortable clothes, helping him lay down.
Jisung sat on the edge of the bed after he tucked him in, "do you want to stay here?" The younger asked as Minho was already looked at him. The older nodded tiredly, the younger hummed and when over and laid down beside Minho. Knowing Minho, he always loved physical
Touch, so the younger moved closer to him and laid his arms around him. He flinched but quickly relaxed and tried to move even closer to Jisung, "it's okay Minho, everything will be fine" the younger whispering, as both of them fell asleep peacefully.

I have noticed that most of my oneshots end with them cuddling, I don't know whyTT

Any thoughts?

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