Tattoo artist

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Trigger warnings:
Self harm scars, suicidal thoughts.

Minho goes in to get a tattoo sleeve.

No one's pov:

Jisung was sitting at his desk waiting for a client to come in for their appointment. He was sketching tattoo ideas that he would maybe do on himself.
He heard the door bell sighing that someone came in. He looked up to see a young looking guy not much older than himself walking in, "hey! What can I do for you?" He asked turning off his tablet, "I have an appointment" the guy said  "okay, what's the name?" Jisung looked down to the computer where all the data was "Lee Minho" he said in a nervous voice, "ah great! I'll be the one tattooing you today. Follow me" he stood up and waved at Minho to follow him.

They walked into a small booth, "please take a seat" he smiled politely and gestured the male to sit down.
"Okay so you said you wanted a sleeve right?" Jisung asked, the male nodded pulling out an iPad " so I made this design I wanted" Minho said showing the drawing, "that looks absolutely gorgeous!" Jisung said excited to do the tattoo "which arm do you want it on?" "I want it on my left" Minho said, "okay great, so can you send it to me so I can print it out" as he said, Minho had send it.

After a while Jisung came back holding the paper with the print, "so because this is a big tattoo we have to split it up into sections" Jisung said while he sat down, Minho nodded feeling a little bit nervous, his forehead was filled with sweat and he was shaking slightly. Jisung noticed but decided to go on, "if it's okay can you please take off your shirt so we can begin" he gave a gentle smile, Minho hesitated taking off his shirt, but he did, showing his arm on full display.

Jisung looked at his arm, seeing many scars. He just looked up at Minho and smiled, "please lay your arm here-" pointing at the small table thing "-and let's begin".

Minho did as told, feeling a little more comfortable, because Jisung didn't say anything. "Okay so where do you wanna begin, do you wanna start at the wrist or up to your shoulder?" Jisung asked to be sure  he didn't make a mistake "please start at my wrist, I just wanna hide everything" he said, the younger didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded.
"So the first thing I'm gonna do is shave your arm so the hair doesn't get in the way" Minho feeling a little nervous again as he saw jisung take the shaver out.

Jisung seemed to notice "it's okay, I'm gonna be very careful" He nodded and Jisung began to wet Minho's arms and began shaving, carefully avoiding the scars, there were many so it was a challenge.
After he was done, he took the protective layer of the tattoo paper and put it on Minho's arm, "it's a beautiful design, I love the flowers" he said applying water on it, "thank you".
Jisung took off the paper and the lines from the paper has transformed onto Minho's arm. He took off his gloves and put a new pair on so there was no other bacteria. He took out the tattooing machine and got the ink ready.

Minho was waiting patiently still feeling nervous. He has been wanting to cover up his scars for a long time, but didn't have the money for it.

"You said on your mails that you didn't want numbing cream on right?" Jisung asked "yes, I'm allergic to most of numbing creams" he said, "okay great, so I'm gonna make a small line so you can feel how it feels" Minho nodded getting ready.
Jisung slowly lowered the machine and made a small line on Minho's skin. "How it it?" he asked "well I've felt much worse so you can begin" Minho was relieved that it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would, but when Jisung came to the side of his wrist it did hurt more.
"So Minho, how old are you?"
"I'm 25" he answered looking down at his arm to see the work that was being made. "Ah great! So you are my hyung! I'm 23" Jisung said excited but still being concentrated, Minho nodded, feeling a little bit awkward. he doesn't know how to socialize properly. "So, what do you work as?" Jisung asked trying to make a conversation, "I just work at a small convenience store, but I'm also trying to become an artist, it has been my dream since I was little" Minho answered, Jisung hummed as a respond.

After a while As the younger was tattooing over a small clump of scars he was began to be curious, " is it okay if I ask something?" "Sure" "how come there is so many of them?" Jisung asked a little quiet to not get any attention outside of the booth. Minho tensed up a little making Jisung stop so to not make an incorrect line. "Well, it's okay" Minho reassured, Jisung nodded getting back to the tattoo, "so, you know I said that I was trying to become an artist, well when I was younger and I told my parents, they weren't too happy, they called me a disappointment, and just began to ignore my existence.
my parents knew some other parents and had told them, and they had then told their children, and those were going to my school as well.
So they just began to bully me and call me some not very nice things. They have also told the school, so everything spread pretty quickly" Minho stop for a while to take a deep breath. Jisung was still listening.
"So whenever I would draw something, someone would always find a way to destroy it.
they have tried to burn my sketches down, they have poured water over them, they have ripped them. So after every school day I would run home and go straight to my room and stay there for the rest of the day.
But one day when I got home, there was awfully quiet, so I just when up to my room, to find it completely empty from my art equipment. I when to check if everything was actually gone, it was.
That day was the start of the hell.
Since I got out of school everything got worse, whenever I tried to get a job I would be rejected. My parents disowned me in the end, and everything was so bad that I began to feel numb, pointless, so when ever I felt like that, I would go round the city to find some sort of sharp objects to do this with. I've been wanting to kill myself a few time, but I really wanted to proof people wrong"

Minho looked up at Jisung to see his reaction the only thing he saw was a focused face at his arm. Minho felt like crying he was scared if he had overshared about his life, "I'm sorry I talked too much" he apologized "no need to apologize, I completely understand what you have been through, you are not the only one" Jisung replied looking up and giving Minho a big smile.
He felt relieved that he didn't make the younger uncomfortable, "do you still not have a home?" He asked " not really, I just kinda stay at the convenience store" he chuckled, "well if you want, you can come and stay at my place?" Jisung asked "really?!" Minho said surprised "I'd love that" was his last reply.

After 2 more hours of tattooing, the session was done.
"So that would be 350$ please" Jisung said typing on the computer "sure!" Minho handed him his card, and Jisung did his thing.
"Thank you so much, I'm really happy with what we have done so far" Minho said looking at his arm, "it also looks really great, also here is my address" Jisung handed him his card back and a piece of paper.
"Thank you so much Jisung-ah" Minho bowed, "see you at your place".

Minho walked out feeling really happy, he didn't expect to get a home.

thank you so much!!

Anyway I hope you like it?
Any thought?

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