Notes (oneshot)

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Minho keeps getting notes laying on his desk everyday, but who knew that the boy Minho liked was a secret admirer.

Minho's pov:


I when to my locker and got the books and notes I needed for the class.
I walked in and noticed a yellow sticky note on my desk, it read:

'Hi Minho!

I just wanted to say, you are very pretty!

- H-J'

I looked around and I was the only one in class, so I just shrugged it off and sat down, wait for the day to end.

I kept thinking about the note I got today, who would give that to me?


As usual I when to my locker, got my stuff and when to class.
As I walked in yet again there was a note, why?

' hi Minho!

I saw you looked very confused with the note yesterday
It make sense tho, seeing a random note on your desk, lol, anyway!

You have a very pretty smile!!

- H-J '

I looked around again, there were some classmates in here but no one was looking slightly suspicious, I put the note in my pocket, and when on with my day.

'I have dance practice today' I thought, and got ready for it.


I got to class and there was a note again.

' hey Minho

I want to confess something,
I'm trying to build up courage to talk to you on Friday, I really want to let you know how I feel.

Anyway, you are REALLY good at dancing!

- H-J '

Is there any name that I know has the "hj" in it?
My first thought was Han Jisung my crush, but he doesn't know i exist...
But I don't know any other with those letters.


I got to class, and I was excited to see what the note said today, but there was nothing.
I raised an eyebrow, 'that's weird, tho they said they wanted to talk tomorrow'
I sat down looking around the classroom, I wasn't alone other classmates were there as well, even Jisung!
I caught him staring at ma a couple of times during class.

I when to my locker there was a sticky note on my locker.

'please meet me outside the school gates now'

No one's pov:

Minho when out the building and to the gates, seeing a person there it was definitely a guy.

He when up to the person and tapped his back "you wanted to talk to me?" He asked, "o-oh you already here?" "Jisung? What are you doing here?" I asked concerned, "w-well I was the o-one who wrote those n-notes" he said very nervously, "M-Minho, I like you a lot and I-I wanted to talk to you soon and I've wanted to t-tell you how I feel" ... "I wanted to tell you for a long time, and I've never had the courage to tell you, a-and ummm, I don't know what I'm saying" Jisung said embarrassed and crouch down hugging his knees.
"I like you too Jisung, you don't have to explain" Minho smiled patted Jisung head, "r-really? You do?" He stood up again, "a lot in fact" Minho walked closer to Jisung holding his hands. "You are the sweetest person I've ever meet, I know we haven't had a good conversations before but I still like you, you are so pretty and cute, it makes me want to squeeze you cheeks" Minho took his hands and squeezed Jisung's cheeks, Jisung giggled.
Minho grabbed Jisung face gently and gave him a small kiss on the lips, they both giggled, giving each other small kisses.
Jisung takes minhos neck and pulled him in for another kiss, I longer one, a more passionate kiss.

That was the greatest day of their life

Idk what this was, I was bored


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