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Trigger warnings:
Abuse suicidal, sexual assault, self harm scars.(happy ending)

Jisung is in an abusive relationship and ends up in a hospital, meeting a boy named Minho.

On one's pov:

Jisung was anxiously waiting for his lover to get home. It was past midnight and the younger wasn't allowed to sleep until his lover was home, because if he fell asleep his lover would assume that he took his life. So Jisung waited, feeling really tired, he really wanted to sleep.

The clock was around 2:17 am when he got home. Jisung walked up to him with his very skinny body "h-hey baby" he said quietly "oh shut up~ why are *hiccup* here~?" Jisung looked at him, seeing that his clothes was messy. He looked at his neck, his heart dropped seeing red marks "w-where have y-you been?" Asked Jisung, feeling betrayed, even though his lover abused him, he still loved him.

The man walked closer to Jisung, which made the younger back up until he hit a wall. The elder man slammed his lips onto the younger aggressively kissing him.
Jisung was scared not liking feeling, he felt his lover trying to stick his tongue into his mouth. The male was trying to push the elder away, trying to move his head.

He kept trying until the man took his an aggressive hold of his face in place, holding his face still.
Jisung was crying, trying to get away. He pushed as hard as he could, making the man stumble back a bit. Jisung took that as chance to run, he for some reason decides to the bedroom, "you little bitch!" He heard as he tried to lock the door but it won't budge. Door was pushed back making the poor boy fall to the ground hurting his ankle. hearing a snapping sound he looked up, seeing the man holding a belt, Jisung looked shocked at the man. He had never used a belt before, he only used his hands and his insults. "No please!" Jisung bagged trying to back away. The man lifted his arm hammering the belt down, making Jisung immediately feeling a burning pain, he screamed from the intense pain. Then feeling another one on his side where he had previously been cutting, the agony going through his body.
The boy was screaming pain as the man kept hitting, until it all stopped, Jisung weakly looked up seeing the man looking out the window, Jisung as hard as he could trying to look, seeing the red and blue siren "fuck, if you say anything about this you will not see another day!" The man slurred out running to the bathroom. Jisung fell weakly to the ground "he is in here sir" he heard a woman say before passing out.

Jisung opened his eyes to a bright light hitting him, he couldn't move otherwise he would feel an extreme amount of pain.
His eyes adjusted to the light, so he looked around, seeing an unfamiliar room, it kinda looks like a hospital room. He tried to sit up, but being in so much pain made him not being able to, "oh goodness, your awake" Jisung heard a woman say, he looked to see, it was an elderly woman probably around her 60s " where am I" he asked, "well I heard you screaming, so I brought you to the hospital" she said standing up to help the younger to sit up.
As she touched him he felt pain, "ow... fuck" "sorry sweetheart, but it would be best if you sat up".

Making him sit up only bought pain, but after getting used to the position, his body got semi used to it "and don't worry, the man won't hurt you anymore, the police arrested him" she said sitting back down, Jisung was shocked, where was he supposed to go now, who was gonna pay for the hospital bill? He thought to himself.
"Thank you ma'am, but can I have some alone time?" He asked "of course, just call when you need something" she stood up walking to the door, walked out and closed it.

Jisung sat by himself feeling like shit, his only thought was: 'where am I supposed to go?'.

After a while, Jisung really wanted some fresh air, so he decided not for call anyone because he didn't want to be a bother, so he decided to just try to get up himself.
Putting pressure on his swollen ankle made him almost fall, it hurted so badly but he just sucked it up and walked out of the room.

He decided to walk up to the garden that was up on the roof for some reason.
There was no one, probably because it was so high up and it would be scary.
He walked to the edge sitting on the small bench that was by the railing, Jisung looked down, wondering what it would feel like to fall.

He had no where to go, the man that was in prison was also the man that saved him from his abusive parents. They spent so much time with each other, Jisung felt like he needed to do something back so he moved in with him, but that's when the man began to be cold and mean, it never got this physical.
He would sometimes bring him flowers, but that was the only sweet thing he has ever done, the man also forced the younger to sleep with him, the man was so aggressive, so violent.

"What are you doing up here?" A voice heard making Jisung snap out of his thoughts.
He looked up seeing a man not much older than him, "just getting some fresh air..." he said, the male sat down beside the younger, "what's you name?" He asked, "Jisung" he answered not wanting to talk, "that a pretty name, I'm Minho" he smiled, he was hooked up to a liquid stand, probably some medicine.

"So what you in for?" Jisung really didn't want to answer, he thought it was embarrassing to talk about.
"Nothing important" he said looking down at his skinny hands, "what about you?" Jisung asked not wanting to talk but also didn't want to be rude and ignore the guy, "oh, just a failed attempt" Minho said looking up at the sky.
Jisung stayed quiet think about one question: 'what does it feel like'.

The two males stayed silent, but it was a comfortable silence "what did it feel like?" He finally decided to ask "well it felt right in the moment but when the pain came it was terrifying. it felt terrible, the feeling of a failed attempt is terrible, all the guilt, all the sad looks from people around you, it's not a great feeling" Jisung nodded "if you thought about doing it. Don't. everything will be better" Minho said moving a little closer to the younger, "but if you ever need a person to talk to, I'll always be here" he smiled at the skinner male, Jisung looked him in the eyes. He has beautiful eyes, the male was stunning "you are very beautiful" Jisung said without thinking, the older male was a little taken aback from the sudden compliment, "thank you I can say the same about you" the male said back. Jisung smiled, feeling finally happy to have a person to talk to.

I really wanted to write something, and the more views I get the more pressure. But thank you all so much!!!!!!

Any thoughts???

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