Cat cafe

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Trigger warnings:

Minho had a stressful day at work, so he goes to his favorite cafe, petting cats and talking to his favorite barista.

Minho's pov:

I sat in my office doing some annoying worksheets.
The pile keep getting bigger, which also added onto my stress, there was only 10 minutes left of my day,
I really needed to go to my favorite place.

10 minutes later:

I got up cleared my table as much as possible, and got out of the building.
I began walking to my destination, it was only a few minutes away.

I stood in front of it 'cat's world' I sighed and when inside, I was immediately greeted with the smell of fresh coffee, I when up to the counter to order, there weren't any people since it was late, most of the cats were asleep, no one was at the counter, so I rang the small bell, "coming!" I heard a familiar voice say, "oh! Hey Minho hyung! How can I help you today?"he smiled "hey Jisung, just a latte please" I smiled back "coming right up" and he got to work.

I when over and sat down beside a sleepy cat, it's pattern was white with some black spots, I petted it gently, I've seem to woken it up, but it didn't seem to mind, instead it when over and sat in my lap.

Later Jisung came with my latte, "soooo, how was work today Minho hyung?" He sat down in front on me, "stressful, so much paperwork, and there is this annoying employee, that always up my ass, what about you?" I said, "mine was fine it wasn't that stressful since it's a week day, and I'm sorry to hear about you work" he smiled gently petting a cat that came to him, "but I'm glad you came, I was beginning to be bored, since most of the cats are sleeping now, " he continued looking around the place seeing the cats.
I took a sip onto my coffee and began to pet the cat again, "I really like this place it's so calm and peaceful, and of course there is a really cute person working here" I winked to the younger who began to blush, "t-thanks" he looked down embarrassed, "anyway, how is college?" I asked and took another sip "well, it's really stressful, but it's nice working here, it's helps a lot" he said looking back up again.

We have seemed to have zoned out on each other, his beautiful face, pretty brown eyes.
"You are really beautiful Jisungie" I said without a thought, a pink color sparkled on his perfect cheeks, "t-thank you, and you too" he smiled, " well I gotta head home to my own cats now" I said moving the cat that was still on me.
Me and Jisung when to the door, "have a good night Minho" he said leaning in for a hug, "you too Jisung" I hugged him tight, "bye see you again soon" and I left with a big smile on my face.

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