Us Again

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Spotting Charles, the six BTS members rushed toward him. When Charles saw them, he quickly ended his call, greeting the group of men who were staring at him with questioning looks. He thanked them for their prompt arrival before leading Jungkook away by the arm. "You'll need to sign some papers regarding June," he explained. "The doctor is still in her room." Pausing to meet Jungkook's gaze, Charles added, "I know Mr. Kim said otherwise, but you're actually registered as June's other father."

Jungkook's mind raced with worry about June and Jin, causing him to momentarily miss Charles' revelation. As they entered the private room, he saw his little angel lying on the bed, her eyes closed and her beautiful face pale like the room's walls, with a bandage adorning her forehead.

Jungkook walked closer, paying no heed to the doctor and the nurse as he focused on his daughter's little face, noticing the swollen, purple colored cheek. Suppressing his sobs, he glanced down her body to see her left underarm wrapped in a cast. Turning to the doctor, who promptly began to speak, he listened intently.

"Mr. Jeon, your daughter is out of danger," the doctor reassured him. "She has a minor concussion on her head and a broken left underarm. We couldn't find any other injuries or internal bleeding."

Jungkook turned back to his daughter, his hand trembling with fear, hesitant to touch her for fear of causing her more pain. As he listened, the doctor continued, "Mr. Jeon, your daughter won't regain consciousness for the next two hours. I suggest you speak with Mr. Kim's doctor. I believe you're needed there. Unfortunately, Mr. Kim wasn't as fortunate, and the truck struck him."

Jungkook's mind was overwhelmed with processing all the information. He turned around to face the doctor, who promptly instructed the nurse to guide them to Jin's room. As they exited June's room, the other members bombarded Jungkook with hundreds of questions. Ignoring their inquiries, Jungkook focused solely on seeing Jin, following the nurse without hesitation.

Before following Jungkook and the nurse, Charles quickly briefed the others, "June will be okay. Can someone please stay here? She shouldn't wake up in the next two hours, but just in case." He didn't need to say more as Jimin volunteered, "I'll stay here. You guys go."

As they entered another section of the hospital, they were halted by security, permitting only Jungkook to enter the recovery ward along with the doctor. Peering through the large window into the recovery room, Jungkook watched Jin sleeping amidst a sea of medical equipment. His hands trembled as he pressed them against his mouth to stifle his sobs.

The doctor proceeded to explain Jin's condition, saying, "He underwent an emergency operation to address two broken ribs, that caused an internal bleeding. Additionally, we removed a blood clot from his brain, formed by the impact of his head hitting the asphalt. The scan results offer hope that there won't be permanent brain damage. He also sustained a broken left lower leg and left underarm. All we can do now is await for him to wake up, and from there, we'll determine the next steps."

After a while, Jungkook joined the others, his mind in a daze, struggling to comprehend that this was really happening. His eyes, filled with shock, silently implored Charles for an explanation.

Clearing his throat, Charles began to speak, "Two days ago, when you left, Miss June couldn't stop crying. She insisted on going to New York to watch your concert. Mr. Kim tried to soothe her, but nothing worked. Yesterday, he finally gave in to June's request, and this morning we flew to New York. After checking into the Ritz-Carlton, Miss June expressed a desire to visit the Central Park Zoo. Unfortunately, while crossing the road, she caught sight of a huge BTS poster on a building. Without warning, she let go of Mr. Kim's hand and darted toward the building."

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