|A Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ Iɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ|

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'Shut up. Don't try to divert the topic.', I scolded her.

'I am not diverting the topic bro. It was quite urgent. We had to leave, but trust me we will come back soon and then you can give me any punishment you want.', she pleaded me, with puppy eyes.

'No yaar Avi, this is not done.', I was still not satisfied.

'Ok fine you can double your punishment and I will double my stay there. Ab toh maan ja. Please', I chuckled when her 'please' whined.

'Listen you potato, this is the last time I accepting your sorry. Next time I won't, you better mind that', she giggled over the nickname I gave her.

'Thank youuuuu. And how are you doing? All good?', she asked.

'Yeah. You can already the bandage is replaced and the plaster would be intact for few more weeks.', I shrugged my shoulder, and she tsked.

'It's ok. Be well soon. And now bye, I called up only to check on you. Will call back soon and yes, you have to come to Delhi super soon, okay?', she tried shutting off the call.

'Sure thing. Bye!', I bid her bye with a smile.

'Bye Avi. Bye my cutie patootie', Arya giggled realizing that the last nickname was for her.

As the declined the call, I was all set to throw it beside me, but my mind commanded me to give her a call again, in a hope she answers, at least this time. Praying to sunshine's kanha that she would answer, I tapped on the call button. 

I waited patiently for the phone to ring

The number you are trying to call, is either switched off or not reachable, please try again.....

 What?! Just a few minutes back it was ringing and now switched off? My heart thumped in my chest with the maximum speed possible.

Was she okay? Does she have someone by her side? What if she is getting wrong thoughts in her mind? Should I go see her? Before giving it a second thought, I jumped back to my feet with Arya on my waist and carried her inside. 

'Handle her for few hours Kavya, I will be back soon.', I was all to take off, but she stopped my, grabbing me arm.

'Hello? Where are you off to? You are still not okay!', she showed me a eye, but I had to go.

'Just something urgent. And don't worry, I am fine. And I will take the driver me, ok?', I knew she wouldn't be convinced and try her ass off to stop me, and keeping in mind the same reason, I zoomed out as I completed before she could reply.

Pulling the driving from outside the garage, I hopped into the car, on the back seat, with driver on the driver's.

'Here is the address bhaiya. Please rush, it's urgent.', we managed to exchange our numbers and address the day, after I had a talk with her in private. 

I find a good friend in you Avyaansh.

She made me feel important and found someone special in me, and today when she is all alone in the cold-blooded world, I conclude that I need to be with her in the toughest phase of her life.

Her mood transition was in a blink of eye. She wanted to kill me with her bare hands, or even sharp eyes, but the very next moment when she knew the reality, she flipped. 

Three months back I was broken and now she is. I know the state of my mind, I once went through it and maybe she is going through even worse. They were her parents, of course there's nothing too wondering.

Life is another definition of change. Of course, you won't even realise and your life would flip 360 degrees round overnight, and sadly it won't be under your control to change it. Every night you sleep with a hope to wake the next day, with a new hope and energy to live that day off, but you never realise, what destiny has stored for you that day, or even just the next second.

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