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I wake up to the sound of tapping at my window.

I drag myself out of bed, stumbling towards the noise, when I see an owl, with a letter.

"Hey, you." I say petting the owl, and grabbing the letter from him before he flew off.

It's a white envelope, closed with a red stamp with a lion on it.

I open it.



Never would I have ever thought that something so meaningless would cause you to go out of your way to write me.

Don't be pathetic now.

You can live without knowing, yeah?

Your favourite,

- O.W


I put the letter down on my desk, harsher than intended. The audacity of this man is honestly beyond me.

Whatever, I'll just ask him in person, or get over it.

No, I'll definitely ask him in person.

Anyways, today is going to be fun. It's Sunday, and me and Drew are going to Hogsmeade, just us.

The one issue with Hogsmeade though, is that even though I say it's just us, it never actually is. Everyone at Hogwarts goes to Hogsmeade. Especially on the weekends.


"What are you gonna wear?" Drew asks, deciding to sprawl across my bed, as if hers isn't 2 feet away, and perfectly in tact.

"Well, it depends on what we're doing. Like, are you up for Lola's?" I request, sitting at the end of her bed, now facing her.

Lola's is this hot chocolate shop down in Hogsmeade. It's open every night throughout Autumn and Winter, and it's definitely a student favourite.

"Yeah, we can do that. It's pretty chilly out though, so I do suggest wearing a sweater." Drew gets up, going through her closet.

After a long while of just talking, we decide to finally get ready.

I put on a pair of flared jeans, a green sweater, and some Doc Martens. I keep my hair down, sliding it back with a matching green headband, and some light makeup.

Drew is basically wearing the same thing but with leggings.

"Let's get going before we're forced into a confrontational conversation with my brother." I say grabbing my bag, and walking out our dorm door.

Drew chuckles, following close behind me, as we reach the common room.

"Where are you guys going?" Adonis obnoxiously asks, strutting into the common room.

"Hogsmeade." I reply, keeping the conversation minimal so we can get the fuck out of here.

"Whattt? Without meeee?" He whines, literally like a baby.

"Yes. Without you." I reply, rather sternly , as Drew and I make our way out of the common room.

As we head out of the castle, the cold air hits me like a fucking bus. We're still in September yet it feels like mid January. I complain now, but once summer hits, I'll be missing autumn and winter, especially autumn. I love watching the leaves turn orange, and Godrick do I love Halloween. The thought of this being my last Autumn at Hogwarts makes me so sad.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞? (𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now