"Fuck! Let's get another one!" Jungkook's andreline was high up. He felt all the weight leave his shoulders. He was finally having a good time with the people he loved the most.

With his actual family.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Yoongi chuckled.

Seokjin and Jungkook challenged each other becoming drunker by the minute. Yoongi held his liquor so he could take care of the both of them as he watched them dance in the middle of people.

Jungkook felt like everything that happened was just a dream. A horrible dream.

What he didn't notice as he took shots with Yoongi and Seokjin, was a man in the corner intensively watching his every move.

He was too busy having fun to even remember what demons were and how he was bonded to one.

Jimin sighed, looking at his phone. He didn't mean to snap at Jungkook. Especially, after what happened to Jungkook. They haven't talked since. Jimin had no idea what to say, he was never good at apologizing. The only time he's ever apologized was to Taehyung for doing something he didn't even remember.

Jimin got up from his bed, cautiously making sure Jungkook wasn't in the hallway.

He went into the kitchen after it being cleared to go, getting a glass of water. Jimin felt a wave of nausea. That must've been Jungkook. He felt even more guilty. He should go and say sorry. He set the cup on the table, as he was about to go, the door rang.

Jimin was confused, who came? He turned on the screen, seeing his friends infront of the door. He unlocked the door, revealing the three.

"We have the stones!" Taehyung happily said walking in, practically jumping in joy.

Jimins face lit up," I thought you weren't getting them until a couple of more days."

"Nope, Lucas managed to get back safely." Namjoon spoke, "When you see him, thank him, he told us how horrible it was to go back." The three sat on the couch, making themselves at home.

"Love how you guys decorated." Hoseok blurted out, looking at the decorations Jimin and Jungkook set up.

"Not so empty anymore." Taehyung added.

"Let me go get Jungkook." Jimin hurriedly said, leaving the three to admire the newly improved apartment.

He knocked on the door.

No answer.

"Jungkook! The others are here!"

No answer.

Jimin burrowed his eyebrows, knocking harder. Yet he heard nothing. Jimin reached for the door knob, opening it, for it to reveal no one.

Where was Jungkook?

"Jungkook?" Maybe he was in his bathroom.

Still nothing.

"Jungkook? Where the fuck are you?" Jimin couldn't sense Jungkook anywhere. This wasn't good.

"Fuck Jungkook isn't in his room." Jimin angrily rushed out.

"What do you mean he's not there?" Hoseok asked.

"We got into a fight about not letting him go clubbing, I think he fucking went." Jimin replied panicking. This is what he gets for yelling at him. "Why doesn't he have any sense in him? He knows the dangers yet he still went, fuck!"

"Imagine how many demons he's gonna attract, we have to go find him!" The three demons got up, their faces full of concern. Why did Jungkook do this? Didn't he understand the amount of chaos he can cause?

Heart Broken -JikookWhere stories live. Discover now