Author's Note

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Update: Alright so the next chapter is updated so go ahead and check that out!

Hope everyone is doing well and best of luck to whoever is entering the Wattys!

P.S Ace will play a key part in the progression of the story in the upcoming chapters, so you guys will get to know him better ;)


I always told myself I wouldn't be one of those author's who left long, boring A/N's...well look where that got me, but there are a few important things I must address :) Or at least they seemed important to me at the time.

So to kick things off, sorry this isn't an update, as you've already figured out by now (or just looked at the chapter title)! I have the next chapter typed out but I really don't like the way it turned out and I don't want you guys to read something that terrible haha.

Anyway before I get off topic. Some of you may have noticed that I entered my book in the Wattys! It's my first year entering and I'm really excited! It seems like a lot of fun and I feel it's going to be a great learning experience that can help me improve my writing!  So I'll be doing a lot of editing for my book and polishing up a few things, because of this I'm not sure when I'll be able to update!

That being said, I'm currently rewriting the first few chapters of the book, which means that in a few weeks you'll probably find that some of the chapters will have the title, chapter _ (edited).  That means that I've either completely rewritten that specific chapter or almost all of it is rewritten. The story line won't be changing. What will be changing is the way the character's are introduced and therefore the exposition.

The rewritten chapters will have more character background, details, and I'm hoping to include the court scene that I've been promising for weeks. Anyway, I tell everyone this, because if you read the rewritten chapters that's great! But if you decide not to then that's fine too, you won't be missing out on anything too important!

Another thing! Whispers of Spilt Blood reached 10k reads! That's crazy to me! I'm so grateful for all the feedback I've received and with it I've been able to improve my writing drastically!

*dances around while throwing confetti*

I never thought this would be possible! Thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments! And most importantly thank you to everyone who supports! 

So if you made it this far, kudos to you! 

*hands out cookies and cake*

Sorry this is so long! Half of it probably doesn't even make sense as I'm sleep deprived haha.

Lots of Love ❤❤❤

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