Chapter Twenty-Five: Maple's Dagger

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Lamp and Clock had finally reached the kingdom gate. Clock knocked on the gate. Atlas jumped up from taking her nap.

"Oh, you 2 are back. Wait is that a... dead body?" Atlas carefully examined the fennecats.

Lamp did a small nod with a slight look of despair as she tucked Radio's necklace's jewel flower under her shirt, but kept her original necklace out.

Atlas's face was full of horror.

"Oh my stars, happened to them?!" Her voice trembled.

"It's...complicated." Lamp quickly answered as she took off her headband and stuffed it in her pocket..

"Got it." Atlas said, a bit worried as she opened the gate.

As Clock and Lamp entered the kingdom, they were met by an angry and scared face.

"WHERE WERE YOU!" It was Lyra, he was terrified.

"Y-you found them..." He added pointing at the lifeless body of Radio.

Lamp tightly held onto her arm, she was shaky as she nodded.

"Well, uh, Maple said that they'd give some dagger fighting lessons!" Lamp blurted as she awkwardly walked off.

Once Lamp reached Maple's door, Maple cheerfully greeted her.

"I got you your own pair of daggers for this!" They cheered as they handed Lamp a pair of nice daggers made from a strong metal, the handles on the daggers were a nice pale yellow.

"First lesson, I'll teach you how to climb and slow down your fall with daggers!" Maple explained pointing at a scratched up wall.

Lamp followed everything the Maple instructed, stabbing the wall with the daggers, each spot a bit higher than the previous.

Once Lamp reached the top, Maple showed her how to slow down a fall.

Lamp and Maple stabbed the wall and slid down.

"Thanks for showing me Maple!" Lamp exclaimed.

"No problem! Same time tomorrow?" Maple said.

Lamp nodded- she would be learning how to defend herself easier! She could help prevent her other friends from dying! This will be great. 

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