Chapter Twenty-Four: Berry's Plan

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"Hey! We're nearly here!" Lamp exclaimed, she tried to force a smile.

"Hey Lamp, quick question, do you remember our ages?" Clock asked.

"Oh yeah! I am 15, you and Lyra are 16, and Paint is 17! Why?" Lamp was curious to why Clock asked the question randomly.

"Just... Wondering." Clock answered.

Kinda a random question, but okay! Lamp thought to herself.

The duo reached the mothcat kingdom gate. Lamp felt hurt seeing what happened to Radio. Her friend who was once so lively was...gone.

Lamp and Clock were startled by a creature that suddenly jumped out of the bushes.

"Please don't hurt us!" Lamp pleaded.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt just want to ask... if... you..." The fluffy pink creature examined the 2. "Wait aren't you 2 of the fennecats who went missing 6 years ago?" The creature asked.

"EEP! How do you know that?!" Lamp asked.

"I'm from Foxel as well, I'm Berry by the way, Berry the fluffle. I got stuck in Hybrina while trying to stop 2 other fennecats from going into the forest." Berry explained, stroking her pink paws through her minty and pale pink hair.

"Well, me and Clock need to start heading back to the kingdom! Nice meeting you Berry!" Lamp blurted.

"That was... weird to say at least." Clock whispered.

Lamp nodded in agreement.

"Please, stay safe you two, don't end up like Sage." Berry whispered, glancing at her locket, which had a picture of a green fluffle inside it.

Berry started walking through the forest. She admired the beauty of the magenta grass, the yellow and pink trees, and the blue bushes. Although she missed the yellow skies of her home, the pinkish orange skies were quite nice. When she finally reached a shack-like place.

The building had a lot of pots, a few cauldrons, 3 desks, a bed, and 10 whole bookshelves full of books.

Berry pulled out a book. The book was titled "Teleportation magic, how to do it and about it."

Perfect! Berry thought to herself. This could help me, and all the others trapped here get back home! Her thoughts were full of optimism.

Berry slammed the heavy book onto 1 of her desks and opened it up to the table of contents. She immediately went to the chapter called: How it's done and the requirements.

"Several things are required for the portal; snow from Cloudy's Peak, catterfly dust, wood of a moonberry tree, and the juice of a plindzingberry.

"You mix the juice, snow, and dust all together, if it turns rainbow in color then you've done it right. You use the wood to build the frame, make sure you build the frame in a arch shape and the wood is at least 8 nellowberries thick.

"Think about the world you want to teleport to before splashing the liquid onto the frame. Note this can only be done by fluffles (more about fluffles on page 276) If the portal becomes a rainbow-like circle that is floating, you may enter it. Each portal can only be used once per creature before collapsing. You can only use the portals if you are trapped in a world. (More on what can trap you in other worlds on page 63)"

Berry carefully read every bit.

This is it! I'm a fluffle! I can build these portals! I can get all of the Foxel fennecats home! 

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